17 : Change of plans

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Taking a cold shower was a delightful experience for a recently completed twenty-eight-year-old EVA Lydia organisation director. And, for him, it feels more like a blessing after an exhausting day, which weekends are not supposed to be.

Recent activities in the capital, dealing with the rumours about the cursed child, and then my messed up situation with the king due to accidentally killing the noble. These recent events, for him, were like the walls standing between him and his peaceful life. Massive and thicker walls.

Walking inside the bathroom, he carefully placed himself inside the bathtub, closing the shower curtains in the process. The water was carefully adjusted to the right temperature - to make sure it was not hot, but not too cold that he might get sick. As the shiny switch was turned on, the big ceiling shower head, spread all over the massive bathtub, sprankled the cold water all over him like the cold rain in the fields.

After his body was wet thoroughly, he scrubbed his body, washing away all the stress and anxiety that filled his heart these recent days.

Being an extremely calm and efficient member of the organisation, the responsibility of 'The Director' was thrown at him at a very young age. He never experienced how it feels to be able to play at his younger age, he never experienced how it feels to be part of a family, to have someone who he cares about, and someone who cares about him.

Being born to a lower-class and illiterate family on the outskirts of the Kingdom. His family was scared, looking at his extraordinary thinking skills, decision-making ability and the unknown divine energy he had.

In a world where most humans possess cursed energy, for his family, being born with Divine energy was considered a bad omen. Thus, abandoning him on the crowded streets of the Capital. But he would not give up so easily if he wanted to make history.

Fortunately for him, his unusual abilities were addressed by a kind man, making him a small part of an unknown organisation, EVA. The first on-field assignment was assigned to him when he was fourteen. In the age when kids of his age played soccer on roads, he was busy saving them from dark entities of unknown origin.

Thirteen hours was the time given to him for completing the task. He, completing the work in less than four hours, showed all the seniors how important an asset he was to the organisation. After that he never looked back, eventually, unwillingly, claiming the position of 'The Director'.

Many many thoughts about his past ran inside his mind, while the massive ceiling shower head was washing his stress and anxious feelings away. After standing for enough time, he closed the switch and walked outside the bathroom, covering his naked body with the soft, white towel.

Organising his wet hairs, he went straight to his kitchen, attached to his main living room with only a kitchen cum dining compartment separating them both. He removed a kettle out of the upper shelf and poured coffee for heating it on the stove, while his body was rinsing the water off of it.
While doing so, he subconsciously found himself standing in front of the huge mirror, stuck on the walls of the living room for no reason - just an artistic choice, if that's even a reason.

He, after a long time, observed himself and his body. He observed his decently jacked-up muscles, which he never paid attention to. He observed the scar on the left part of the chest, reminding him of his fight with the 'higher first'.

I guess I look good... He thought. At least, after I put my pants on.

The sound of the kettle snapped him back to the present and he put off the fire of the stove. He poured the coffee into his, as usual, a big mug and rested his towel-wrapped body on a soft cushion on his living room sofa.

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