2 : . . . and the falling world

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Noticing the intense lines of serious expression on the Secretary's face, the president walked toward the lobby and Astharoth and aligos followed. The four entered the lobby, noticing the enormous crowd near the big windows in the lobby.

The crowd tore apart as the president walked in and moved toward the window. Aligos and Asthiroth followed him. The three moved closer to the windows and glanced outside, noticing the unexplainable with their shocked, wide-open eyes.

It was as Astharoth had assumed by the sound of the blast. The clouds and DeSadian skies were torn open, like a piece of paper, pierced in the middle with a big nail. It had torn open, revealing a different, alienated space above, which shined with a bright yellowish light.

Torn apart like an appearance of a massive hole in space.

This feeling. Astharoth said to himself.

"People," Astharoth said, with the deepest and loudest voice possible. "Get to the ground floor. Away from anything that could fall."

Very few people moved, while most still kept looking at the unbelievable phenomenon they had witnessed. Astharoth noticed the skies had torn roughly above the ancestral pyramid, an ancient monument whose creation date and the materials were still unknown to the people. The place which the DeSadians had considered sacred for many generations.

"Did you not hear the research head?" Vesemir said, in his strong, dominating voice. "Down. Now." His voice was deep, dense as always. Like the voice of a leader. People, without any more chaos, followed and started heading to the ground.

"Turn on the machines, Vesemir," Astharoth said. His eyes were still stuck on the torn skies.

"What is it?" The president said. "The sky. . ."

"I don't know," Astharoth replied, "But I can't assure either if it's nothing dangerous."

"The device is still in a prototype phase," Aligos added. "Not prepared for the field. And definitely not prepared to cover a larger area like the planet's surface."

"It's better than nothing." Said Astharoth and stood quiet. And Vesemir standing behind him could feel the intensity in the environment produced by Astharoth's mind. Astharoth's instincts, in the past, had never failed and Vesemir, now, could clearly read his face.

"Fine, I'll head to the core chamber," he replied. "But you three, get to the ground, now."

Following the President's orders, Many pods, ships and floating shuttles rose above the ground, holding many people from the facility in it. Astharoth had anticipated the possibility of calamity. Destruction, maybe, and the President didn't dare to doubt him.

The lights in the skies. The thought licked Astharoth's mind, while he moved toward the open parking area of the facility. What is it? This feeling I'm getting.

"The system had been linked," the voice came from Astharoth's earpiece, which he recognised as Vesemir's. "It's still a prototype. I'll just hope it doesn't hamper the natural flow of energies, "cause if it does. . ."

"The planet's energies will go berserk," continued Aligos' voice in the earpiece line. Aligos followed Astharoth to the open parking area, some distance behind.

"And energies going berserk will destabilise the planet's core," he continued. "So. . . better hope it doesn't malfunction and destroy the planet."

"It would be a calamity,"

"We are already facing a bloody calamity," Astharoth shouted, expressing the frustration building up inside him. "If the frequency and the linkage are achieved, get out of that place and get away from the surface, Vesemir."

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