6 : Royal house of Thena

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Steve, at the time, still possessed the records of the previous war against these entities. The war, which made a massive impact on the visuals of the City of Ambers, the Lydian capital, known to the people of the coming generation after the war. In those records, there was also a mention of the high energy emission recorded in the Himis and the southern borders, on the place which was later known as the Dimensional seal. Theory was, the DeSadians had managed to use the Dimensional seal to connect this reality with other dimensions and summon the previous army of unknown entities which was used in the previous war.

The same Dimensional seal areas- scattered all over the continent and maybe on other uninhabited lands all over the world, where many realities collided, collapsed during the failed attempt of Genesis, showing the bizarre effects on the world we witnessed at the time.

According to the records, after the previous war, centuries ago, many ranks fell and it ended with their defeat. So, the number of actual DeSadian population who could fight a war was less, and people who could actually fight like a soldier would even be countable. That-according to Steve-would lead to two possible conclusions. First, they'd act foolish, participate in this war that they called out themselves with those minimal numbers and lose. Or second, they'd use the dimensional seal to summon an army of creatures or some other type, just like last time but possibly much larger this time.

Of course, Steve went with the second.

"This should be quiet predictable," he remembered saying to Raya, one of the Elites, the previous day. "Which also makes me doubt why would they call out a war like this?

"Just like previous time," Steve cleared his throat, "as mentioned in the records, it is proposed that the dimensional seal in the Himis was used to summon the army from other realities. To fill the gaps and make sure they have enough manpower, they shall do that again...

"So now, we shall carry the armies to the borders, toward Himi," he continued. "There's one way to exit mountains-the Gates of Himi. We walk in the gates of Himi and make sure the war stays in the Himi. No one shall know how big or brief this event was, we don't want unnecessary panic among people."

"Our armies are capable, I'm sure," Raya said. "But realistically speaking, these ranks possess outerworldy strength. What if we are pushed back. It'll be hard."

"It's necessary," Steve said. "We need to avoid panic at all cost. Not just for people, but for nation. News travels faster like air. We are not in good terms with Assyria and Thena most likely won't participate in political matters. If they knew about the war situation, they'll find a blind spot to invade Lydia and things will go worse."

Raya nodded.

"I wish you luck, Raya."

Raya bowed and walked out of the office.


Steve Tradis stood on the open balcony of his office, high up in the Eva buildings, workplace unit, calmly glancing down at the Eva cars, carrying the members-who were willing to fight the war for their people, for their loved ones-toward the mountains.

The surface soon rumbled sending waves through the ground below the capital and Steve glanced toward the eastern borders of the capital. From the eastern part of the massive lake surrounding the Capital, the grand ships and Armadas rose from inside the lake, followed by smaller battleships, sending waves on the shore. They ascended in the air, and started heading northward.

This was the first time in centuries that humanity witnessed something so massive and grand-ascending from inside the lake where they fished on daily basis-that their eyes couldn't believe the scene. Some still refused to believe the science and called it sorcery. Massive ships, never witnessed by people of that time before.

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