Chapter 18

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"Miss" haley heard from her door as she wa sin the middle of getting Hisoka's head off of Gons body that William put on wrong, on purpose. She froze as William and her looked at the door seeing Jacob. "Yes" haley said as the head of Killua fell out of his mouth. "STOP SHOVING THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH" haley yelled at him as he chuckled. "Uhm. I just wanted to inform you we are leaving, unless you want us to stay" Jacob smiled as haley shook her head no. "But wait. I asked for some fruit like a long time ago and I still haven't gotten it?" She questioned as he gasped. "Lucy must have forgotten to tell you. I am so sorry miss. John is staying late causing he's trying to do something special with the fruit to make up ruining dinner" Jacob explained as haley nodded. "We'll do you know how long it's going to take him?" Haley asked as he shrugged. "Well okay. You guys go have fun with your family's" haley smiled as Jacob nodded. "Thank you miss. You all stay safe. Heard" Jacob said pointing a finger at William than to haley. "Heard" they both said pointing a finger back at him as they started to laugh.

Jacob shut the door as haley finally put everyone's heads on their respective body's. "Stop messing around and help me" haley said hitting his arm. "Don't get all bossy" William waved a finger in her face. "It's literally my job to boss you around" she shrugged as he cleared his throat. Yeah well you could still say please and thank you or sound alittle mor polite. Ya know" he shrugged. "If you don't like it leave and I'll have Arnold help me" haley smiled as she said what she thought was birlaps name. "Arnold?" William said raising a brow. "Yeah or birlap" she said rolling her eyes. "His really name. Isn't Arnold" he said as she scoffed.

"How do you know" she asked as William smiled. "Danny and I were the first ones to join him, we all picked our own code names, but birlap couldn't figure out what he wanted. Wanna know who picked birlap" William asked. "It was me...and he made Danny and I swear to never tell anyone or our fingers and tongue would be fed to his dog" William smiled as haley scoffed. "Well I'm your boss so tell me his real name" she demanded as he left. "I'll give you a letter" he shrugged as she got excited for a new letter. "A" was all he said. "A? Like are there two A's cause he said A too" haley asked confused as William laughed. "Well no there isn't two A's but because he already told you a letter. I shouldn't tell you anymore of the letters" William smiled.

"This. Is. Bullshit." Haley huffed. "No this is bakugo, from my hero" William said being a smart ass. "And bakugo and about to get shoved all the way up and into your ass" haley smiled as William smirked. "Please. Don't get upset because you can't figure out birlaps name" he shrugged picking up some of figurines as she groaned telling him where to place them.


As haley and William were talking about birlap, him and Danny stood out by Haley's door. Listening to everything. "You better not tell her a fucking word. It better be A or you don't know. Got it"birlap whispered as Danny nodded. "I should probably go check up on John. What do you think" haley asked as the boys looked at each other, they heard John coming up the stairs as Danny and birlap smiled to each other racing off towards him trying not to make as much noise.

"Hey. You need some help" Danny asked. "Oh yeah, can you guys take these to haley, I've got one more plate I need to get" he said handing a plate full of sun dried strawberries, and kiwi to Danny. Than handing birlap a cup of strawberry, banana, and some chunks of kiwi smoothie, with a plate of chocolate, covered strawberries, and he raced down stairs to get a bowl of oatmeal, with blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and honey on it along with a glass bottle of water with lemon, strawberries, lime, and kiwi in it as they all went to her room, Danny knocking on the door. "STOP SHOVING KILLUA IN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH- hey guys" haley said opening the door as they looked over at William as he let Killua's figurine fall out of his mouth, than waved at the boys. "I brought you everything I could think of that involves fruit"  he smiled as he walked into her room, placing the food and drinks on her desk she thanked them. "Well thank you very. Very much, John, stop stress cooking, go home and hang out with you family please, come back and make me some French toast. I've been craving it recently" she said as he nodded raving off. "Danny, do me a favor" haley said directing her attention to him as he nodded. "Go open y'all's house door and the main house back door so you guys don't get locked in" she said as he nodded taking off now. "And you" she said looking over at birlap.

"Your name starts with an 'A' right?" Haley asked as he nodded. "Is it a long word or a short word" she asked as he smiled shrugging. "Not entirely sure" he smiled as she nodded. "Okay well in that case. I need you to go to your room and leave me alone for the rest of the night. Got it" she asked as he raised a brow. "I don't think you get to tell me what to do?" Birlap said walking up closer to her. "It's literally in her job description" William interjected as birlap sighed knowing he was right. "Damnit" he whispered as haley smiled leaning up near his ear. "Now go ahead. Apologize" haley whispered as he sighed. "Haley I'm sorry....that you actually thought that was going to work. Ha sike" he said turning around and walking away. "It seems like it did work" haley giggled as she shut her door. "Take. Gon. out. Of. Your. Mouth. NOW" haley yelled as William looked her in the eyes as he opened his mouth letting him fall to the floor. "STOP SHOVING THINGS INTO THERE IDIOT. YOURE GOING TO CHOKE" she said hitting his leg as he started laughing.

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