Chapter ✨34✨

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"Guys, lets just talk about this rationally" Haley smiled as Danny shook his head no. "you shoulda thought about that before you left the fucking house without someone knowing" Danny said trying not to yell at her. "I did let someone know though, Jacob" haley smiled as birlap sighed. "the fucking butler Haley, THE FUCKING BUTLER. WHAT THE HELL IS HE GONNA DO?" birlap did yell at her as she smiled. "obviously, he told you guys" haley shrugged as danny sighed. "haley, you coulda died" danny said as haley looked at herself. "but i didnt" she smiled. "haley, we were hired to look after you, you running off like that and not letting any of us know, isnt what you are suppose to do, you coulda gotten hit, hurt, killed, anything and we wouldnt have known until someone either went to your room or when you dont come down for dinner, than we would of died cause your dad would kill us" danny explained as haley shrugged. "well you guys are here now, i came to the mall to get the keys from the manager and we were just about to go over what we are going to do with the store and the new theme and everything, would you guys like to join us" haley smiled as birlap shook his head scoffing. "now she fucking wants us to be with her and actually inform us" he said throwing his arms in the air letting them slap on his thighs.

"well haley we aren't just going to leave you here with some handsome guy, we don't know, who could possibly kill you" Danny sighed as birlap scoffed. "i wouldn't say hes handsome, i'm better looking than him honestly" birlap mumbled as Danny slapped his arm. " are you going to kill me" Haley asked Levi as he chuckled, "after all the money you just offered me, i think it would just be the most idiotic thing i would ever do...honestly" he chuckled as he still had a gun pointed at him by Danny as Danny was slowly walking closer you him. " i mean of course i wouldn't, you are my new boss and you low-key scare  me even without the bodyguards" he cleared his throat as Haley smiled. "see he isn't going to kill me now are you boys coming or keep standing there with a gun pointed at us?" Haley asked as birlap looked at Danny as Danny looked at him. Danny sighed uncocking the gun and putting it away. "wonderful, lets go than" Haley smiled as they walked further into the mall as Haley started talking and brainstorming with Levi.


After four hours haley and Levi shook hands. "I really appreciate you giving me, my job back Miss haley" he smiled thanking her as they let each other's hands go. "No problem, just remember that I'm gonna send some people over tomorrow to start on everything and you've got to be here, I want this shit done before summer" she said pointing at him. "That's two months from now" Danny jumped into the conversation. "Yes and I believe Levi will make sure it's done before the two weeks are up. I'll have some people start campaigning the grounds, taking pictures of the finished foundation, everything looking perfect while you guys are finishing the inside. Than I'll get them to start putting up some ads." Haley explained.

"There's no way everything is going to be done in two months" birlap shrugged. "You guys are so fucking negative" haley shook her head at them. "Miss haley would you, like to go out for lunch, I'm hungry and I don't know about you but, hibachi sounds wonderful right now" Levi cleared his throat, we can continue to talk about the idea for this place" he added as Danny shook his head, birlap picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Maybe another time" haley yelled as she was tossed into her big, truck as she huffed, birlap slamming the door.

Danny got into the car and took off. Birlap got into the driver side door. Taking off, leaving Levi in a cloud of smoke doing a burn out in the parking lot as he took off. "He was asking you out on a date" birlap stated. "I told him I had someone else in my life" haley sighed reaching her hand out for his as he only gave her a side eye, than looked back at the road. "Are you actually seriously mad at me" haley asked confused as he scoffed. "Yes I am actually, seriously, fucking mad at you haley" he said as haley sighed sitting up as she leaned over the arm rest, wrapping her arms around his arm.

"I'm sorry" she sniffed as she hugged his arm. "No you aren't or you wouldn't have done it" he said trying to continue to be mad at her. "But if I woulda told you guys, everyone woulda freaked out and said I wasn't going to go meet some guy I don't know" haley said looking up at him putting her chin on her shoulder looking up at him. "I'm really sorry Arny. I'll never do it again, okay" she said as birlap stopped at a red light. He turned his head looking at haley. "You promise" he said as she put her pinky up smiling at him as he looped his around Haley's as they smiled, haley leaned up and kissed his lips as he smiled kissing her back.

He put his hand on the back of Haley's neck as haley moved her hand down his arm holding onto his hand. There was a horn blaring as the separated, birlap seeing the light turned green as he took off clearing his throat. Haley smiled as she was now holding his hand and still laying on his shoulder. They saw Danny turn down the road as they followed after him, they pulled into the driveway of the house as they backed in putting the vehicles up and going into the house, haley and Arny still holding hands.

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