25- Pull of Sin

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Jay's pov

My senses sharpened as I awoke from the depths of unconsciousness. In an instant, I felt a lingering ash throughout my body as if every muscle had been put through an arduous trial.

As I opened my eyes, I absorbed the full spectrum of light, my vision adjusting to the vibrant world around me.

I felt an unusual detachment from my physical form. It was as if my body had momentarily ceased to exist, leaving me with an unsettling emptiness. My heart raced, its beats echoing loudly in my chest, while my mind struggled to find coherence amidst the chaos.

My gaze pierced through the darkness that enveloped the room, searching for any semblance of familiarity. I strained to make sense of my surroundings, my breathing gradually steadying as I adjusted to the disorienting transition.

The first thing I noticed was the sink.

I was fucking sleeping on the bathroom floor.

The realization washed over me like a wave, reminding me of her cunning tricks and manipulations. It became clear that I was lying on the cold bathroom floor, abandoned by Inna after her deceitful act. She wanted war, I will give it to her.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of my lips I mutter myself, "What a brat."

Pushing myself off the floor, I rose to my feet, the dull air in my body a constant reminder of my vulnerability. I made my way toward the sink, determined to wash away the residue of my disorienting slumber.

"Fucking brat." I cursed her again.

Gazing at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, my eyes scanned my features with scrutiny. It was then that my attention was drawn to a small smudge of crimson liquid on my face. My brows furrowed in curiosity, a mix of concern and intrigue flickering in my eyes.

My mind raced, piecing together the fragments of my memory and the sight before me. Questions swirled within me, demanding answers that were currently out of reach. What had transpired during my unconscious state? What had Inna done while I lay defenseless on the bathroom floor?

I can already bet what she did.

The game between me and Inna had taken an unexpected turn, and I was prepared to meet her manipulations with my own calculated moves.

As my fingers grazed the dampness on my face, I immediately recognized the unmistakable scent of blood. It was a familiar sensation to me, a reminder of the violence that lurked beneath the surface of my world. With a sense of urgency, I swiftly removed my upper clothing, my eyes widening in disbelief as I beheld the scar that marred my neck.

A shiver coursed through my body as I traced the crimson line that snaked along the right side of my neck. The scar, an indelible mark left by Inna's hand, seemed to pulsate with its dark energy. It was a stark reminder of the lengths I was willing to go to assert her dominance, leaving me marked with the letters "r e d" in the minuscule, barely visible script.

I can not deny that it excited me somehow.

But I was angry as fuck.

Inna had skinned me alive, metaphorically speaking, revealing the vulnerability beneath my hardened exterior. The act of power and control was meant to remind me of my place within their twisted game.

Summoning a surge of composition, I hastily cleaned the blood from my skin using a nearby towel. "fuck" With each gentle swipe, I attempted to myself to not think how to torture her in my own way.

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