Epilogue | From Ashes & Sins

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After three months

Inna's pov

"Stay still," the command came from the new Pakhan of the outfit, a directive imbued with authority. Ace had crafted his image as the Pakhan, a necessary male presence for the bratva. However, both Ace and I knew that the true strength lay in our combined intellect. We needed him, not just as a figurehead, but as a trusted partner to rule alongside us, a man who could be a boss we could rely on.

I had been the one to suggest this to Ace, despite her initial reluctance. She eventually saw the wisdom in my proposal when she noticed my struggles as an underboss within the outfit. Jay's unexpected entry into the Bratva, working for us, was a twist none of us had anticipated. Who had thought that Jay would work for the Bratva?

Settling down onto his chair, and grabbing a tattoo gun before resting his hand on my stomach. I gasped from his touch on my skin, he pushed my hands further up before he began to draw a knife or a sword, near the dragon tattoo.

I was all over doing a rose tattoo, I wanted to ink a rose on my skin. It was now the fourth tattoo on my skin, after the first one that Jay had forced me and the second was the dragon tattoo and one of our marriage rings.

Our love was unconventional, free from societal norms and expectations.

Me and Sin had chosen not to enter into the institution of marriage with a wedding, but with a paper where we both signed and affirmed that were both husband and wife, defying traditional commitments as we sealed it with ink embedded in our skin, not with rings of gold.

We had just driven to the Marriage Registry Office, we signed the papers and here we are married for life. For us, the act of tattooing each other's names on our fingers held a deeper significance.

It was a symbol of our devotion, a permanent mark that transcended the transience of material possessions. Our inked rings became a tangible reminder of the love we shared, a visual testament to the bond that bound us together.

I would glance at my finger, tracing the intricate lines of Sin's name etched onto my skin. It was a constant reminder of our connection, a reminder that we were intertwined in a way that surpassed traditional symbols of commitment. And Sin, too, would gaze at his finger, where my name adorned his skin, a testament to the love we had chosen to embrace.

Our inked rings became a source of pride and joy for both of us. Our decision to eschew traditional marriage and opt for these inked symbols served as a declaration of our individuality, a proclamation that our love was not bound by conventional rules.

Me and Sin reveled in the intimacy of our tattooed rings. Every time we clasped hands, our fingers intertwined, the inked names merged, symbolizing the unity of our souls. It was a silent affirmation of our commitment, a bond that was unbreakable, unyielding to the passage of time.

Our choice was met with mixed reactions from others, but me and Sin remained steadfast in our conviction.

Especially my mother who was kind of mad about marrying him within an hour and not caring about sharing the decision with her but I could feel that Akira was excited when I told her about it.

For Ace, she was just Ace.

She just nodded at me and left. I bet she hated the idea of marriage she didn't believe in it, and when Ace was told about the rings- she just looked at the tattoos as if I was the dumbest thing alive.

The ink against my soft, warm skin was mesmerizing, Jay was about to lose control feeling me under his skin but he stayed cold enough in favor of the design etched across my stomach.

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