39-Beautiufl obssessions

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My laptop vibrated.

It finished loading, and I plugged my phone in. It loaded a long list of numbers. A very long list of numbers of files.

After it finished loading, I snapped the plug away, took out the battery, and brought the laptop to my chest. Moving to the safe deposit box under Dimitri's desk. I plugged in my USB and waited for it to get open.

The vibration of the safety deposit box made me pull my USB back against the object. I was glad that I learned how to use the dark side of the mafia- hacking.

Regardless of my anger, I needed to leave soon, because if Father came back, I didn't want to be anywhere near him.

Someone would end up dead and with my current adrenaline, that person wouldn't be me. I have been searching in Father's office for the last fifteen minutes now- and couldn't find anything.

Maybe it's a good thing if I so happens to upset him.

I carried on searching through the files to find somewhere to go, I eventually came across some files, and I looked at us for a few seconds, when I finally realized that the files were in Japanese. Every single piece of paper that was in Japanese was engraved with another one in English.

I assumed that it was the translation.

I took a picture of the paper to the safe deposit box, the deposit box that had a huge amount of money, and documents related to our illegal affairs and contracts. I went to gather the document to search when a shining pendant caught my eye, it was another copy of the pendant Inna had.

Leaving the thing alone, I continued to search until I found a safe deposit box- but this time it was manual.

I can't open it if I don't have the password. And I will be caught if I don't leave now. Putting everything back in its place. I hurried to grab my laptop and went as fast as my feet could carry me to my office.

Hands fiddling with a solid square of metal, my sleep-deprived eyes kept blinking from the Mikhailwarm wind. The night was creeping up with every slow minute. I didn't know how long I sat on my window occupying one of the wide stone-built steps, but it didn't feel as long as usual. There was just something about the night –the world seemed to stop when the moon took over.

our shoulders rolled in a stretch, and my hands continued to fiddle with the metallic lighter in my grasp. "Fuck."

I cursed under my breath; the documents I took from the family's office didn't have any clue that could be useful. More than the mention of an arranged marriage that had been written years ago- but there wasn't any name on the contract marriage.

Sighing, I slipped the unsmoked cigarette into the pocket of my bomber jacket and stood up. I needed to find some clues.

Lifting my head to the clock on my wall, it was one in the morning that welcomed my sight- I needed to meet Red and think about the password for that safe deposit in the box.


I had made my way to it in a hurry; I completely forgot eating had been starving to death. My thoughts had been eating me up, I had been spending the day in the gym, trying to gain back my strength and get ready for the plan. I got the first thing found and grabbed it to my bedroom. I started to prep everything and began to eat. my organs thanked me for the food, which I have begrudged us of. Sighing dramatically, I sit down and continue stuffing my face with food.

The starving hunger sends flashbacks to when I was locked up, and I had to eat way too fast to not taste how horrible the food was.

When I was younger, I would always stare up at the stars with that little boy and talk about everything. He would point to the brightest two stars in the sky and smile down at me, telling me that those were my parents watching over me.

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