Chapter 16.5

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Principal's office of Corregidor Girls High School, El Fraile.

Andressa, Josie and Luna find themselves again in the room where they told what seems to them is a very pathetic promise. Unlike before, the three can feel that the eyes that looking at them are now more fiercer and the atmosphere feels so heavy. They can't even make an eye contact, scared on how sharp those stares can  be.

From the side, Poly just watch while being scared on whats gonna happen next. Her heart is beating so fast as she imagine the abrupt call the higher ups made for them.

The principal prepares to talk by drinking water from his water bottle. After doing so, she gives a saddened sigh then look to the three.

"Do you know why we call you here Ms. Andressa?" The principal asked with a very serious tone.

"N-no sir..." Andressa's tensed answer. Intimidated by the principal.

"I see... Let me remind you, about the promise you made here months ago."

Realizing what this meeting is going to be, Josie and Andressa gets nervous while Luna's eye twitch. She can't grasp the idea on why they must talk about it even though they manage to secure the their school.

"B-but... I-is that really relevant here?" Andressa's even more tensed question. Even though the room is air conditioned, she's still sweating cold as the pressure really push her hard.

"Technically, you really fail your promise as you didn't win against Ooarai. You shouldn't make a promise that you can't fulfill in the first place." The business manager says.

"B-but! I do it for the sake of our school!"

"Silence! You already made bad decisions in a row since the day you declare independence from Saunders!" The Mayor's irritated rant for the three which makes Andressa stop talking.

The female El Fraile admiral changes its posture and fix her self before stating his opinion.

"I also want to add the absolute pityful state of the Senshadou team you treasure the most. Its been months since your battle with Ooarai and yet, your team didn't join any tournaments, not even the Winter Cup."

After hearing the Admiral words. Andressa falls into the pit of despair and just look on the ground, ashamed as the words of the Admiral is 100% true.

"Maybe its also for the best. It would hurt the reputation of the school if your team gets stomped because of the pathetic situation of your team." The Admiral adds which adds salt to the wounds. Andressa's heart feels like its getting crushed.

"Without the senshadou team. How the school would survive without us?" Josie asked.

"Its for us to decide on what action we should do to maitain the school. But still, thank you for your efforts."

"Principal, I belive you forgot something. Maybe its time for them to hear it." The Mayor stated as he looks on the three.

The Principal nods then gives a very sad expression. Andressa sees the principal give a quick look at them then avoids eye contact as fast as possible. Meanwhile, Poly notices that somethings off on her father.

"By the the power of majority between the higher members of the El Fraile circle. I declare from this day that, Andressa, Luna and Josie would step down from their respected positions."


"HAAAA?!" The three gasp as they didn't expect the words of the Principal. Especially Andressa which currently shaking due to shock. But didn't they know, its just a lesser problem for the three.

"And after reviewing the severity of your behaviour. The circle decides to this day that Andressa, Josie and Luna are now no longer students of Corregidor Girls High School and residents of El Fraile due to the following reasons:

A. Making big decisions without the the review and consent of the circle.

B. Putting the whole town at risk by using El Fraile as a bet.

C. Failure of achieving promises and

D. Incompetence and lack of care for a club which the President have a direct control with."

"Dad! Thats absurd!" Poly's protest but her father just turn a deaf ear to her words.

Luna's face turns into twisted wrath.

"Thats unfair. We still manage to impress Saunders and prevent them from shutting down El Fraile." Josie's serious defense.

"We also put that into consideration but we remember the still prevailing threat of the Ministry of Education." The Principal said.

Josie realizes the implications as the current reality of their senshadou team strikes back to her mind. Josie just frown and stop talking.

"We would notify your family later. After 2 days, you three should already leave El Fraile. Sorry for all of these but these actions are for the future of the school."

Luna finally snaps after hearing the principal's words.


"Manners! You're a commander of discipline commitee so you should act according to your role!" The representative for Law and Safety department quickly shuts down Luna's attempt.


"Luna. Calm down. Anger would just make things worse." Josie's warning for Luna. Luna stops her words but her anger is still present as Luna shows her clenched fist and shaking body.

Feeling hopeless. Andressa just give up on arguing with the circle and just agree on the decision. But still, she wants answers for her question so she tries her best to ask one last time.

"S-sir. N-now that Me, Josie and Luna are no longer residents here. Who's the one that going to take over our positions?"

"Well, good thing that you asked because she's coming here anytime soon." The Mayor smugly says then she looks on the door with a proudness, waiting for the person she mentioned.

Few seconds are passed and the door suddenly open. Two girls shows up wearing the same uniform that Luna wears. The first one looks younger, her black ponytailed hair sways as she walks. Despite wearing militaristic uniform, the girl looks and acts with shyness, nervousness and pleasant honesty which makes her cute.

On the other hand, the taller girl gives the pressence of a commander. Her posture is straight and intimidating, her sharp eyes can make weak minded to avoid eye contact and her walk is refined with strong impact every steps. Her shiny black bob haircut partnered by the same hat Luna wears really completes her appearance.

The three are shocked to see the people that going to replace them. Luna's face turns even more twisted as she looks on the face of the girl she hated the most. Even Poly starts to show signs of anger. But the tall girl ignores the menacing look of the two and instead focus on Andressa which just look at her with surprise. The girl smiles.

"Hello Supremo." The girl says with a pinch of mockery.

"WHY!?" Luna screams on her mind as she look on the girl. She didn't expect that she's going to see the girl in her current position since the that day.

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