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they soon came to realize that the ink, in fact, would not come off with water, after all.

the crushing weight of regret was heavy on felix's conscience. he'd just gone and ruined it all! god, what a time to be alive! changbin certainly thought he was in on the conspiracy against him. felix could see how it all could've been played out: felix, posing as his savior, the one who'd free him from the dreaded blackmail, was actually the main antagonist in changbin's life. he'd be the one to push him to walk the final step of his demise.

from the corner of his eye, felix tried to get a bigger picture of what changbin's face looked like right now. avoiding getting a glimpse of the adulterated egg (due to being on the verge of crying), felix wondered if he could ask if he was mad.

"i see there are some students of mine that do not think seriously of their education," mr kim remarked. he leaned over their desks, leaving no space for doubt about the identity of whom he was talking about.

"it's not that we're not taking it seriously!" felix jumped to defend both of them, "really!"

changbin tapped his knee as if asking for him to stop.

"oh, yeah, mr lee?" mr kim retorted, "then what is it, really?"

felix could barely look at it, so he pointed at the egg, "i mean, look at him, now he looks like a baby, right?"

mr kim rolled his eyes. "how can it possibly look like a baby, felix? it's an egg."

"but! but you said we should treat it like a baby!" felix said, feeling a bit wronged. the fantasy was crumbling to pieces. was it the end of his maternity status?

mr kim straightened himself. "no. i told you to treat it like it's made of gold. are you also deaf, mr lee?"

felix gulped, on the verge of crying — not because he was sad, but because he'd never happened to be in such a situation in which his word was being undermined! he didn't know what to do in that position.

"but you yelled at me last week for getting mustard in it and—"

"yelled?" he yelled. "yelled?"

"i mean, you did say i would never treat a baby like—"

mr kim was unbearably close again, hovering over them like a bull, huffing through a thick mustache: "are you trying to incriminate me, felix? trying to paint a bad image of me?"

oh, heavens. felix felt sweat pool above his eyebrows. "what? I—"

"because, between you and me, we should acknowledge that i'm the authoritative figure in this room, right now."

felix felt his own adam's apple bob in aprehension.

"and i should not be challenged."

they stared at each other, engaging in a non-planned eye-context. after a few uncomfortable seconds passed, felix realized he awaited for a confirmation, which felix made his best to muster up a voice and say a broken, quiet "okay."

and so, like the cat that was done playing with its food, mr kim sneered and returned to his desk.

"he said that?" taehyung huffed, snapping the hem of his socks tight around his ankles.

felix sighed. if taehyung was about to start doubting his words along with mr kim, felix would end their deal right there, sealing it with a very well-earned "ya just like ya father!" and a dramatic walk-off.

but taehyung just frowned, his mouth open wide in a scoff, placing a hand on his hip, "what an ass."

felix could feel the weight lifted off his shoulders. idiocy didn't run in the family, thankfully.

"he basically said i was lying and to never question him," felix could not believe he was allowed to teach, "is he like that at home?"

th pauses, and, for a dreadful second, felix feared he'd gone too far. but taehyung just said, "he's worse," then groaned, "he makes me do the dishes. can you believe it?"

felix had to swallow his judgment. he did all his dishes without being nagged at.

"yeah, crazy," he cleared his throat.

taehyung almost stomped on his foot as he went stumbling up to point at someone in the distance. that provoked a chain reaction in which felix both thought taehyung would pass out and, consequently, sending felix pinwheeling up to him and being whacked by a strong forearm --- which made felix feel like he was about to pass out.

but once he turned to where taehyung was pointing, it all made sense: it was jungkook. he was alone. the perfect opportunity. and felix was already on the move before taehyung could even utter a sound.

it was such a great opportunity! felix could just hit him up, throw the seed of romance and see it grow: like cupid, making the perfect match. the seed — the kernel — would grow and... ah, felix could already visualise the wedding: being the best man, designing the invitations, catching the bouquet in the air and meeting changbin's eyes across the room and—

"hey, jungkook, about that video i sent you..." felix had barely enough time to grab a hold of his surroundings before jimin hogged jungkook all to himself, strapping himself to his arm and dragging jungkook away from anywhere remotely close to felix.

therefore, felix was left planted on the field, finally facing reality and why the task wouldn't be as simple as he'd thought.

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