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felix could feel his organs start to eat each other from the level of anxiousness crawling at his guts.

kim taehyung was about to come out at any second. from where, felix did not know. maybe he'd float in along with the freezing wind, or materialize from the dark shadows around the corner. felix could feel the fear creep up his skin. there were goosebumps that made his body tremble so much that he wasn't sure whether it was from the cold or the nerves.

and, as if felix needed more to add to his bag of anxiety, miss yang texted him.

 "oh, heavens," he said as he flipped the phone open. the fluffy pink keyring swung in the air.

felix, what are you doing?
- xoxo jw

felix didn't have much experience typing on that phone yet (he only tapped the down button to scroll through information), but made his best to sound as articulate as miss yang sounded in her texts.

jyst chillin
- flx

at home?
- xoxo jw

felix hand shook (from the cold, the wind, the nerves) as he finger-punched the keys.

- flx

felix, don't lie to me.

he almost let the phone fall to the ground. how did she know? felix turned around, searching around the enptyness of the unoccupied bleachers and the deserted football field... but no sign of her.

oh, don't freak out, i'm not mad.
just wanted to congratulate you.
- xoxo jw

that freaked him out even more.

for wut?(
- flx

for getting information with his son, of course!
good job on making progress in the case!
- xoxo jw

felix was afraid he'd say something he shouldn't, so he tired to make it brief:

ah yeah!
- flx

love your determination!
- xoxo jw

he was definetely doing it for her problem, not because he wanted changbin's unconditional love and affection or something like that.

somehow, in the middle of it, kim taehyung had practically flared out of the ground, appearing right in front of him, like a jumpscare in a horror movie.

"did i scare ya?" he chuckled.

it was dark, and felix had been shaking already. but all he said was a stubborn, "not at all!"

he looked at the phone. the little pink charm keyring hung comically from it like a hypnotic swinging clock. he quickly shoved it on his shorts before taehyung had an eyeful of it... if he hadn't had one already.

"i love to... hang out in the dark."

"nice we're in the same page then!" taehyung laughed and slapped felix's back. like a squeaky toy when squeezed, felix made a quacking noise with the rough treatment.

"so, what'd you have to say?" felix tried to sound put-together and professional.

taehyung crossed his arms over his chest, pecs popping out. he could be a mini coach suh.

"what do you have to say about my dad?" taehyung retaliated.

felix felt his face freeze up and his tongue swell inside his mouth as if the untold words were venomous wasps.

"look, i don't know what you plan to spread around," taehyung started, "but i actually worked my ass off to study for that exam so like if you're here to claim some nepotism shit, we're gonna have problems my friend!" taehyung pointed a finger at him.

"what? what exam?" felix was utterly lost.

taehyung retracted his finger slowly, staring at him as if he'd just misspelled a simple word at a renowned spelling bee. "what were you going to talk about then?"

felix made a pained face. he'd promised not to tell anyone, but here'd already told changbin and he was about to tell another person right now. or... maybe he could omit his identity for a bit.

"i... am... the police." he cleared his throat "with the police. i am with the police."

taehyung raised his eyebrows in surprise, taking a step back in caution. "am i in trouble?"

Felix swallowed down the cowardice and said, "yes, you are." he pointed at him, pressing his fingers in the middle of those intimidating pecs. taehyung raised his hands in defense as if felix's finger was a real gun. "i am leading an investigation on your dad."

taehyung looked even more frightened, "for giving me the exam answers?" he squeaked, then realized what he'd said in that moment of vulnerability: "i mean—"

"that's the least of your problems!" felix's voice was rising a tad bit. he felt the rush coursing through his veins. ah, to be drunk on power.

"your dad is the main suspect in a money laundering scheme!" felix recited the nonsensical words miss yang had recited so many times.

this time, taehyung frowned in confusion. "what's that?"

"it– it's – um... google it!" felix snapped. he pressed his finger on his chest even harder.

"okay, okay! jeez," taehyung's low voice was growing more high-pitched for each second it passed, while felix's dropped lower with each threat.

"so, what do you have to say?"

"i... have no idea!"

felix conjured the most intimidating smile he could muster to say, "i have one: you should say you agree in taking part on the investigation as an informant."

taehyung's eyes moved left and right as if he'd been checking the road before crossing it. felix soon realized he'd just been thinking. "do i have to sign something?"

felix's confidence almost waved. he wasn't expecting to be this easy. "sure," he said, "i mean, it isn't obligatory..."

"but, wait," taehyung raised a finger. felix was afraid he'd mirror what felix had been doing and poke it in felix's own chest. he couldn't afford a battle over dominance! "there's a condition."

felix couldn't smother down the shaking that manifested back in his body (the cold, wind, dark, nerves, power). "what is it?"

taehyung had the devil in his eyes and demons dancing on his grin, "do you know jungkook?" he asked.

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