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felix woke up to calm breathing fanning his face.

once he opened his eyes, however, felix wished he'd kept them close, in fear of potentially having a cardiac arrest.

right in front of him, face merely inches away from his, was changbin. he was still soundly asleep, with relaxed, deep breaths that slightly shook felix's weak bed. maybe the light rocking of the bed only contributed to the depth of changbin's sleep, like a lullaby.

but then, shortly after, felix heard changbin's hard snores and figured that was what woke him up, and the lullaby could only apply if they were sleeping on a pirate ship in the middle of a violent storm. or inside a car's engine, he thought, as he heard changbin's ear-piercing howling that could be mistaken for snoring sometimes.

but felix still liked him.

he liked him particularly now, with his bangs draped over his eyes, sleeping like an angel that just fell out of paradise and right into his bed.

felix was enthralled, brushing the dark fringe away from his eyes and making a conscious effort to not imagine their wedding day.

felix licked his finger to wipe at a smudge of makeup that smeared on the corner of his eye, probably from sleeping. there were no eye boogers on sight. could it be? was changbin really a perfect human being just like he assumed he was?

they walk through the aisle, hand-in-hand. both the bride, both the groom. it'd be in a cemetery, and the spot they stood to say their vowels would be the place their conjoined coffin. till death do us ap-

changbin opened his eyes. felix startled, hand still resting on the other's cheek. but he didn't shy away, so felix didn't, either.

as they stared at each other's face, felix spotted another smudge: now a lipstick stain on the corner of his mouth.

hesitantly, felix carefully traced the line of the plush lower lip (unnecessarily so, guilty) with a finger. then, the unthinkable happened. changbin's peaked out in between the lips, licking felix's digit by the corner of his mouth.

after that, felix didn't know who panicked first.

they both jumped apart, as if eletrocuted, with changbin falling off his bed and felix banging his head on the wall with a loud noise that reverberated through his mind like the echo in a cave.

before either could come for the other's aid, changbin was already springing to his feet, unharmed, and stuttering his mouth away.

"i have to go!" was what felix got from the string of nonsense. changbin had turned to leave.

"wait!" felix jumped out of the bed, ignoring the brief moment his vision became grainy and black from the abrupt movement. "school doesn't start until two hours!"

changbin didn't look at him as both his hands grasped tightly around the doorknob. fortunately, they kept slipping around it, and felix had more time to try and convince him to stay.

"i have... chores to do!"

felix stumbled over his room towards him. he was really hoping they could walk to school together!

"what is it?" felix insisted, eager to find a solution. "cooking? cleaning? dishwashing? i'm good at all of them!"

he was, in fact, very good at house chores. that was one of the things he had to learn to be good at when living alone.

changbin retracted his hands and resorted to reaching for the door handle with his elbows, but stopped mid-way to side-eye felix.

"it's not that kind of chore..." changbin stopped himself, and felix tilted his head like a dog as he watched changbin scan his room with his alert gaze. maybe it was a coincidence when his eyes stopped at felix's embarrassing 12-year-old finding nemo poster that still hung from the corner wall. "fish! i have to feed my fish."

"well, i can help you anyway...

"no!" changbin's voice was loud, booming through felix's small room. felix froze on the spot, changbin's eyes darting around. "he has a very special diet... he's diabetic!"

felix was about to say he had leftover insulin syringes in the bathroom that once belonged to his belated grandpa but decided it was time to shut his mouth.


while he reported to miss yang on the benches, waiting for his first team practice, felix felt an elbow lightly bumping at his arm. he looked up and there he was, short shorts riding all the way up his thigh as he took a seat next to felix.

"you didn't coward out! that's a delightful surprise," he commented, looking cheerful as always.

"yeah," felix croaked out, startled like a kid with a hand on the cookie jar. "i mean... what can i say, I don't give up!"

"cool!" the boy says, getting up and starting to stretch. "nice to know." then he looked at felix's lap.

apparently, felix still had the janet wilson phone out in the open. he quickly made a move to hide it with thick voluptuous thighs.

the boy looked away.

the team had started to appear one by one, and the boy seemed like he still had something to say, but then he interrupted himself mid-sentence, "oh, there's jungkook," and proceeded to fold in half to thrust his ass in the air, as if to show that felix wasn't the only one whose term thicc works for. the back of his team shirt had the number 11 and underneath, in capital letters, jimin.

jungkook was pretty easy to spot: felix just had to follow where jimin's butt pointed to as he pretended to fix his perfectly tied shoes. jungkook had both arms over chan and jaehyun, two other seniors, and he was too distracted laughing with them to notice jimin's explicit display of ass.

they passed by, felix and jimin's buttocks left unannounced.

after practice, felix was only sporting a bruise on his knee (a personal record!). he had finally managed to knock a ball right to taehyung's head, which got him already out of (what would have been) his first game. right after coach suh finished his speech and gave him his back, a flying ball had come in his direction and felix, with his football instincts flaring from every pore of his body, tried to catch it. unfortunately, he did not catch. instead he trampled over himself and scratched the skin on his knee.

at the infirmary, he found taehyung there.

with the same comfort as two anti-social kids being forced to become best friends by their mothers, they were left to seat side by side on the couch by the waiting room as the nurse dealt with some business. they were left alone: felix with his bleeding knee, taehyung with aching head. felix's wound was cleaned and covered with a bandage. the infirmary was short on ice packets, so they gave taehyung a chilled soda can to place to the side of his head. felix felt guilty.

other than the sound of his heart beating on his knee and taehyung's continual breathing, there was silence, leading to felix mentally freaking out, pondering over whether he should first question about his money-laundering father or interrogate him about being changbin's blackmailer.

it was a bloody internal battle, with many tiny versions of felix wearing armor and clanking swords with other tiny felixes. however, decisions were made, and felix turned to ask him about mr kim, because that was obviously more natural.

"so... mr kim is your dad right?"

taehyung flipped his head so fast felix wondered if it would unscrew out of his neck and fall to the sterile infirmary floor.

"yep," he popped out at the 'p'.

"is he... as strict at home?" felix tries.

taehyung stared at him silently. he lowered the soda can. felix feared he'd throw it on his face. thankfully, the nurse came back.

nonetheless, when felix was dismissed back to class, taehyung bumped on his shoulder in the hallway, and said he'd spill business about his dad.

"find me by the bleachers today evening," he muttered to felix, and left the room before him.

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