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right after a very unfulfilling practice, felix limped back to the changing room just to be cornered by jimin.

"i know what you're doing," jimin accused him, arms crossed tight over his chest and nostrils flared wide. he didn't need to transform into a fire-spitting dragon to burn felix with his glare.

sucking a sharp breath, felix tried to fight the urge to cup the janet wilson phone in his pocket. it burned like lava spreading from a volcano and into his skin. "what?" he squeaked.

that didn't lessen jimin's glaring anger. it only aided in angering him even more, squinting at him, all threatening and demanding.

glancing side to side like expecting a train, felix tried calculating an escape plan. he wondered if he could make a dash for it. oh, how he wished miss yang was a secret government agent, clad in a black suit and an amnesia-inducing pen. that could be handy in this sort of situation.

"this is all a scheme for you to get a date with him, isn't it?" jimin accused. he was on the verge of stomping on the ground like a wronged child.

felix could feel his eyes widen and take the span of his whole face. how did he know about his crush on changbin? "how did you know?"

"so it's true!" jimin was loud, as though announcing to an audience, then stomped his foot in front of felix, just missing his foot, "you listen to me, jungkook is out of the market."

felix frowned. where did that come from? "well, i'm not interested in buying him!"

that only helped in making jimin even more unhinged.

the other gasped, outraged, "how dare you say something like this about him!"

"it was you who said—"

"look here. out of limits, okay?" jimin waved his arms to enphacize, but it only ended up bumping his elbow against a locker. "he's out of limits!"

"i can't even talk to him?"

"no!" jimin all but shouted. his chest went up and down like he was manually pumping it. after a moment of awkward glaring, jimin broke the staring spell, scoffed, and looked at him up and down: "and to think i considered you a friend."

felix would retort by pointing out how they'd started talking only a week ago, but jimin was already huffing and turning away from him, walking out of the locker room.

at least he wasn't found out.

miss yang's nails clicked against the counter as she mulled over felix's words.

"so, in exchange for information about his father," she said slowly, making reason of what he'd told her, "you need to set him up with the boy he likes? is that it?"

felix nodded hesitantly. he was afraid that meant he'd failed some janet wilson rule written by blood on a sacred guidebook.

"very impressive," miss yang congratulated him instead of growing snakes for hair and petrifying him with her gaze. "a favor for a favor, eye for an eye. you have the gift, i see."

felix was afraid his ego would inflate to such extremes that it'd overflow through the earth's atmosphere. to be drunk on power, he realized, was an addiction. he supposed it'd be the same as being actually drunk, but he had yet to pass through the bitter taste of the remaining bottles of wine his grandpa left behind to figure it out.

"well, what can i say," felix drawled, "i just did my job."

miss yang laughed and waved a hand in the air in amusement, as if they were gathered for a book club surrounded by rich and snobby moms. 

felix laughed just like her, touching his chest bone and lurching forward slightly like miss yang had just told hot gossip.

"so, go," she shooed him away from her sofa. felix looked at her in perplexed surprise. he thought they'd created a moment! "go home and sleep early. you have work to do tomorrow. i mean, school."

so felix left. however, at the door, he was met with a distraught jeongin. the other boy dragged himself through the yard, probably coming back from drama club practice. he pulled a face at seeing felix walk out from the front door.

"what're you doing here?" he inquired.

felix saw the scene as it was: the situation was just ridiculous! he was perplexed with how things had suddenly gotten, him visiting jeongin's house... not because of jeongin. that was a novelty... and questionable to any outsider. so felix had to make something up.

"oh! there you are!" felix crossed his arms and looked at jeongin disapprovingly at his late arrival. "and i was here waiting to tell you something, but now it's too late!" he walked off through his yarn.

"what?" jeongin schreeched, "what do you have to tell me?"

"you'll have to wait for school tomorrow!" he said and walked off. he heard jeongin screaming at him not to go away but it was too late.

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