Hyunjin: dentist🌹

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You got ready for work, since you were a doctor. You had to wake up early since you worked at a dentist.


You had just arrived being 3 minutes early. During that time you were scrolling on Instagram.

TIME SKIP(again sorry lol)~

Your shift had started when you worked on a patient, hyunjin. Hyunjin was a regular patient to you, but you didn't know he had ~feelings~ for you. It was around 10:23am when you had finished until, hyunjin asked you something. "are you busy this weekend? Do you have plans??" You simply nodded 'no' and hyunjin cleared his throat. "Well, may we exchange numbers?"

you widened your eyes until hyunjin cleared his throat. "Okay this might sound shocking but I would like to take you to a fancy restaurant to pay for all the work you've done for me." you grabbed your phone

"Fine, even though you already paid. I'll give you my number."

You gave him your number and planned to meet exactly at 7:00pm. Your shift ended at 5:00 so you had enough time to take a shower and get ready.


You changed your clothes, took a shower and put on makeup. You didn't like heavy makeup so you put on light makeup. Only a little bit of mascara, lip gloss, etc.

You left your house and went to a bus stop, where hyunjin and you planned to meet up.


Hyunjin finally came. "Sorry that you waited for me, let's go, ill take you in my car." You and hyunjin went to the car when hyunjin opened the door for you. You smiled and went in the front seat next to the drivers seat. Hyunjin closed your car door and went in the seat next to you.


You were in the car looking out through the window when hyunjin spoke, "you look nice today, y/n" you smiled and replied, "thanks hyunjin. You look handsome." (Keep in note hyunjin was wearing a suit)


You guys had arrived at the fancy restaurant. You guys sat down and had ordered. You and hyunjin were waiting for the food until hyunjin had started the conversation. "So uhm, I want to tell you something but I'll tell you in a...different place." you looked at him and replied, "okay, and thanks for taking me here" you smiled at him and he smiled back.


You and hyunjin had finished the food and had a nice conversation when he took you to this..place. It was a pretty area with sakura (blossom) trees. You looked up in the sky when hyunjin sneakily took a photo of you without you noticing. You didn't hear the shutter sound. You both stood in front of a magnificent tree when hyunjin...had confessed. "listen you might find me weird but, I uhm, kinda like you. You might not like me back but uhm.. I just had to get that out. Everything about you just seems...perfect! Even though we don't know each other, I just had to get this out. So uhm..do you l-"like me?" You just looked at him. Hyunjin just thought you rejected him but then you spoke, "I actually kind of, l-like you so I guess you're my..boyfriend" hyunjin giggled and kissed you.


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