Jeongin (I.N); blind date🌹

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you were in the shops when you met this familiar boy. He kept on looking at you so you felt a bit uncomfortable and moved.

Text message : Unknown

Hi! It may seem weird that im a stranger to you but you look kind! Im the boy that was looking at you. Let me explain how I got your number.

What's your name? How on earth did YOU get my number. Are you some old man trying to talk with me? You better have a good explanation.

Okay, my name is jeongin but how I found your number is because you know, minho? He's your friend isn't he. He's also friends with me. You can even ask him, y/n.

*contact changed to: jeongin*


You felt a slight tap on your shoulder so you looked around. There was jeongin. "Hi isn't this y/n? Are you the one who's friend with minho?" He looked straight in your eyes. "Oh er- yes but aren't you the person we were gonna have a blind date with? Like minho said?" Jeongin nodded and slid his hands into yours. "This seems weird but, oh well! I guess we will get to know each other! I'm going to drive you to a restaurant that Minho paid for, so be thankful to him. The restaurant is around 25 minutes away." He smiled at you. "sure, how old are you by the way? I'm 20" you looked at him while walking to his car.

"Really? I'm just one year older then you! But I have something to say, do you know why Minho randomly asked us to do a blind date?" Jeongin opened the door for you. "Oh, no but I'll ask him later." "Aha! We'll both ask minho and let's see if he says something different. If you know what I mean." He sat in his driving seat." "Okay, sure!" For half of the car ride, you and jeongin were quiet. Until you started a conversation.

"How was your day so far?". Jeongin smiled and replied, "it was pretty good I guess, what about you?" He looked at you for a few seconds. "It's been good I guess.".


It was after you guys had food and decided you guys would go to a boba store. You went with him and ordered the same thing. After a while you guys went in the car and had a nice conversation.

A few months later~

You and jeongin were best friends and had secret feelings for each other until, jeongin confessed. "Y/n I don't know how to say this but I l-love you. It's okay if you don't have feelings for me though." Jeongin blushed. "really? m-me too..."


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