Hyde, Jekyll, Me

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Like I said before this new section is my opinion on these melodramas. So let us start with this one "Hyde, Jekyll, Me"


(My opinion will have some spoilers so yeah.)

Resume of the series:

Goo Seo Jin millonario que dirige el parque temático Wonder Land. Él aparentemente tiene todo, miradas, inteligencia y fortuna, también es sucesor para convertirse en el próximo director general de Wonder Group, el conglomerado de la cual su familia es propietaria, aunque su primo Ryu Seung Yeon, que supervisa Wonder Hotel es su rival para el puesto. El problema, es que Seo Jin tiene trastorno de identidad disociativo y siempre que su frecuencia cardíaca es superior a 150, otra personalidad emerge, diferente de la habitual en la cual es frío, cínico y despiadado, por el contrario la otra personalidad, Robin es amable, gentil y tiene un complejo de salvador.

Esta doble personalidad comenzó hace 15 años, y el médico del Kang Hee Ae cree que Robin es una manifestación de su culpabilidad respecto a un incidente traumático desde ese entonces. Debido a esto, Seo Jin evita cualquier cosa que pueda causar que él tenga una reacción física o emocional fuerte que podría provocar la reaparición de Robin, incluso si eso significa encerrarse lejos del mundo y evitando cualquier relación significativa. Jang Ha Na acaba de regresar a Corea del sur después de pasar varios años en los Estados Unidos con el Cirque du Soleil. Al igual que su abuelo y su padre antes que ella, está lista para tomar el cargo de maestra de circo en Wonder Land, lo que una vez había sido la atracción principal del parque.

Ha Na promises to save the circus with dreams of modernity to bring it back to its former glory, but she finds disagreements with Seo Jin, who wants to get rid of it, due to low ticket sales and high operating costs. But with each encounter with Ha Na, the rates on Seo Jin's heart monitor begin to rise. Dr. Kang later finds a cure for Seo Jin's condition, but she is kidnapped by a mysterious assailant who nearly manages to kill Ha Na, making her the only witness. However, the traumatic experience causes Ha Na to not remember the man's face, and she goes to Dr. Kang's student, hypnotherapist Yoon Tae Joo, to help her remember. With Ha Na's life in danger, Robin appears more frequently, she falls in love with him and hers, despite the anger of Seo Jin's true personality.
My Opinion:

Now, this dorama isn't that entertaining but it's saved for some moments still I almost fall asleep most of the time. This series misinformed A LOT of people about DID and how the alter ALWAYS had to be bad and Robin was kind of the exception which he isn't I have met people with DID and all alters (Except persecutors) were really nice and easy to get along. I don't understand how little they knew about DID you know? Because even the "system" was kind of little for like the trauma Seo Jin had (It only had Seo Jin, Robin, and Terry) I just felt like at least 4 to 7 alters would've been better and would've attracted more people than just 3 alters like some alter supporting Seo Jin and others supporting Robin. I guess I didn't like how little info. they had about this disorder, I don't know if it's because of the year but if you had little info about it maybe it wasn't a good idea to launch the series.

Now the series itself is boring and it gets you confused at the end since Ha Na Robin's (Seo Jin alter) wife falls in love with Seo Jin in the last 10-20 min it doesn't make sense she forgot Robin that quick, it doesn't even say like "1 year has passed" or sh*t it just happened which is weird since she hated him, my theory is that she FINALLY accepts that Robin = Goo Seo Jin and Goo Seo Jin = Robin and that since Seo Jin is like the nearest to Robin she decided to pretend she had fallen in love with him which is very incorrect from her part since poor Goo Seo Jin didn't deserver that.

Let's pass to the positive and Negative points of this melodrama:

Positive points:

°Hyun Bin's acting skills. 

°The chemic between the actors.

°Good OST

°Very good visual image.

°Seo Jin's character development.

°Very good plot villain twist.

And that's all-

Negative points:


°Bad character development. (For Robin and Jang Ha Na. Seo Jin's was really good 👍)

°Not very good use of the disorder. (I mean like they could've used it really good to make the series make sense but with the misinformation, they shit on it-)

And I guess that's it there isn't a lot to talk about this it's just a boring and misinformed series.

With that, I'll leave this here the next one will be Vincenzo BYE!!!

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