Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Getting Closer
It was the end of the day, and it's been a week after the jail accident. Nobody knows. I've been keeping a low profile. Lately I've been getting closer with Rachel I enjoy sitting next to her. I get teased because people say we look cute together and Cole gets pissed so I kind of like it.

After I got home from jail the other night I saw Lilly. She gave me a huge hug while mommy was drunk not knowing who we were.

Another thing in figuring out, what's up with Luke. He is acting suspicious, wondering what I'm up to, and got me in prison. Now that I think what is that son of a bitch doing to me. I'm not paranoid.

Computer class was almost over. I grabbed my jacket and my book and was waiting for the bell to ring.

Rachel looked at me and smiled she then started to talk, "So Logan there is going to be a little party with my friends at an ice skating rink if you wanted to come?"

I thought for a moment, "Cole?" I asked.

"No, don't worry," she smiled.

"Okay well who?" I asked.

"A small group I made of friends, they will like you." She assured me.

"Okay I'll be there," I smiled.

The bell rang I was gonna walk with her but Cole pushed me and I walked alone. I got to my main locker and put my stuff away. It was time to go home I grabbed my backpack.

I saw Rachel's locker on my way out. I was walking towards it and saw her.

"Hey," I smiled

She smiled back.

We walked to the buses together and talked all about ice skating, she said she was good.

I suck I don't know how to ice skate it will be so embarrassing.

We made it to our buses and she smiled and waved goodbye. I waved to and wet onto my bus. My bus driver watched the who scene.

"Who's that fine girl you were talking to?" He smiled laughing.

"Just a friend," I smiled back.

I sat down in the middle section of the bus. I put my headphones in and zoned out until I got home.

Once I made it to my apartment place I saw a woman about 60 years old, trying to carry a very heavy box. Looks like she's moving in. I walked up to her.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"I don't know if you're strong enough but I can use all the help I can, thanks buddy," she replied.

I walked over to the box, surprisingly picking it up over my head.

"Well never mind, dang," she laughed.

I laughed too and carried it inside.

"So what's your name kid?" She asked.

"Logan, what's yours ma'am?" I asked back answering.

"Call me Mrs. Williams," she answered.

I left her and walked into my apartment. I saw Lilly sitting on the couch with Mom.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey is all you say, I hate you Logan," my mother said.

"You know what Mom I don't like you too!" I screamed.

"Shut up you'll wake up Lilly!" She exclaimed.

"Good she can finally hear me out about you!" I saw her wake up when I screamed this.

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