1. A Strange World

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"What.. where am I?" A pink haired girl looked at her surroundings. She was atop a weird building, and there were weird, floating, green platforms around. Seemingly miles below, there was rocky ground, and miles away, there was water, that seemed to be blocked by some weird border, only barely refilling the big hole.

Next, she looked down at her hands. "Who.. who am I?" She searched deep in her memory. For something. Anything. She felt like she couldn't form words. She felt like she couldn't remember words. She forced herself to breath, struggling to remember how to. Her legs felt wobbly beneath her, and she couldn't seem to move them.

She didn't remember herself. Her own body felt different under her gaze. Her hands weren't right. They seemed too.. normal? And her hair. It felt itchy over her skin. And her skin. It felt too smooth.

This was too weird for her own taste. But then again, what was her own taste? She couldn't remember anything about herself. Did she have a family? But then again, what exactly was a family? She couldn't remember what words meant, and she couldn't remember how to say them.

She felt.. something. She didn't know how to explain it. And if there was a word for it, it was clear she didn't remember it. Something told her that things weren't right. It wasn't a voice though. It was a feeling. Something- something inside her was telling that things were wrong, and she couldn't make it go away.

And her name. What was her name? She couldn't remember her name. Why can't she remember her name?

"I- uh.. something.. something with an e? No.. maybe- maybe an l?" She tried to guess. It was right there. It was infront of her, but she couldn't grab it. It was... it was on the tip of her tongue. "What a strange phrase," She told no one, except herself.

After thinking for a couple more seconds, she noticed the light that filled the daytime starting to go down, disappeared slowly, and the night getting closer and closer every second. "I guess I can't stay here all night." She didn't know why she couldn't, but yet again, something in her body was telling her so.

"I think I.. need to lay down somewhere? But why? Stupid body! Just give me some answers!" She threw her hands up in annoyance, offsetting her balance, and causing her to fall onto her butt. "This works." She sighed, and let her body fall back onto the hard, and cold floor. She didn't care though. Her eyelids felt like they were being forced to stay shut, and her body felt too heavy.


A strange and bright orb rised infront of the odd building, causing a once peacefully sleeping pinkette to wake up from her sleep. She groaned in annoyance, going to turn in her bed, but was surprised when the floor beneath her was hard and cold. She suddenly sat up, looking down beneath her, but she suddenly forgot why she was so confused. "Where's my?- Wait.. what's a bed?" She questioned, thinking back at her past thoughts.

"That doesn't matter," She told herself sternly. "I need to get out of this weird place." She decided. She begun to stand up, and then realized the reason she woke up in the first place. She quickly brought her hand up to her eyes, covering the very, very weird light in the middle of the sky.

She felt like she knew what it was, but she didn't at the same time. Something in the very back of her brain knew, but refused to tell her. So her questions remained.

She left the palace with haste, almost feeling as though there was a bad omen there. She suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Prisma Palace! That's what this— thing" She looked back at it with a judgemental look. "is! I wonder who built this mess," She mumbled as she continued down the big staircase.

When she did reach the bottom of the stairs, she realized the actual floor seemed to be miles and miles down. Her thoughts went to something else however, because they reminded her of the constant tugging on her shoulders that her made her slumber uncomfortable, and the feeling of being dragged onto the floor. Her shoulders felt sensitive at the painful sensation, so she reached her hand up to her shoulder, and they felt leather.

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