5.2: A Strange Trip To The Lost Empire

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The trip at the Cod Empire was about one and a half of an hour— longer than Lizzie had thought and realized.

They had been flying for what Lizzie assumed was twenty minutes, and the view below them had changed from ocean to vast and empty land. The wind was whipping at her face from how fast they were going, but it was cooling her off from the hot sun, so she found it hard to mind.

"We're almost there," Joel said, bringing Lizzie out of her thoughts. He turned to her, "You as nervous this time?"

Lizzie shook her head. "No, Jimmy was really kind, so I doubt Joey will be any less."

Joel hummed in agreement. "Well, that's true, but he can be very, how do I put this? Hmm, sarcastic. And sassy."

Lizzie shrugged, but she doubted that Joel could tell from the way they were positioned while flying. "Nothing I can't handle,"

Joel chuckled, "Yes, well, you were very sassy back at him. Wouldn't be surprised if it were the same now."

Lizzie smiled at his comment; her past self was pretty cool.

After another five minutes, they started approaching a jungle, which they flew into instead of flying above it. The atmosphere of the jungle was very nice. It smelled like fresh rain and the air was moist-- but in a good way. Lizzie and Joel weaved through tall jungle trees, and Lizzie admired the parrots flying around, below, and above them, and remarked the adorable pandas on the ground. Did she get a smack to the face by some leaves a few times? Well, yes (Joel laughed at her each time, but he also got a leaf to the face as well), but it was still awesome.

Soon enough, large red, blue, green, and white temples came into view; one of them was even in the sky! Lizzie stared in awe at the approaching empire-- were all of the empires this beautiful? She felt eager knowing that her question would be answered throughout the day.

They landed soon, and Lizzie didn't take too much of a tumble that time, actually managing to land on her feet. "Hey, I'm getting better!" She cheered, Joel chuckled. "You certainly are," 

Just like Lizzie's prior visit, Joey came out of the red and orange temple because of the noise. "Who's there?! Xornie?" He looked around hastily, only to meet Joel's eyes, and then take notice to Lizzie. His eagerness dropped. "Oh, it's just you guys. What are you doing here? Oh my God, Lizzie, what happened to-" 

And again like Lizzie's prior visit, the emperor was cut off by Joel. "Oh, hi, Joey! Thanks for the warm welcome. We should talk inside here, yeah?" He said the first half of his sentence sarcastically, then hastily finishing and grabbing Joey's wrist to drag him inside the temple his just came out of. "Joel, unhand me! I need to know what happened to Lizz-"

The doors closed. Yet again, Lizzie stood awkwardly on the front doorstep of an empire, not knowing what to do. How would Joey take the news? Would he be angry, sad, happy? Two minutes passed, although it felt like much longer, and the two rulers stepped out of temple.

Joey looked distraught-- confused. Joel looked nervous, like he didn't trust that Joey wasn't gonna say anything bad. Lizzie glanced between them. She looked at Joel, who was looking at Joey, waiting for him to say something, and then she looked at Joey; who was just staring at her with a now unreadable expression.

"So.. you don't remember anything. Like, at all?" Joey finally said after what felt like forever. Joel rolled his eyes at Joey's stupid question, as to say, 'No, stupid! Of course she doesn't remember anything!'

"I swear that's the only question everyone has been asking me," Lizzie muttered under her breath. She cleared her throat and fixed her posture, "Uhm, no, sorry. I don't know what you were to me before..." she gestured around with her hands randomly. "all of this."

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