Another journey

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"And so that is what Y/N told me of what had happened." Professor Laventon spoke to both Cyllene and Kamado unsure of all this was right.

Both people who he thought had a really good bond with one another all of a sudden started to go downhill. He didn't want to believe it but after hearing about it he is now concerned to how you are being affected by all this.

"Well he can't be allowed back into the village." Kamado said without any further thought.

Laventon winced at the thought of how the commander would straight up ban Volo like this but even he knows that what Volo has done wasn't forgettable. Cyllene on the other hand was concerned about the commander's decision but didn't show it to neither of the men or spoke up about it.

"Now that we have found the culprit behind all the chaos of Hisui we can now ban him since we have no idea where he will go but I doubt he will make it out there alive." Kamado said already determined with his final decision. Laventon was a bit down by the choice Kamado made reminding him of the time you were banished from the village unjustly.

Deep down Laventon thought something will go wrong but wasn't sure what. He has the gut feeling about this whole situation but wasn't sure what would occur. For now the decision has been finalized.

Volo is officially banned from ever stepping foot in this village.

Didn't take long for the village to talk about the recent talk yet about Volo. Wouldn't take long before both the Diamond and Pearl Clans get the news about Volo's crime.

While this is happening Rei decided to pay you a visit with a goodies to cheer you up from what you had to endure.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't with you Y/N otherwise you wouldn't have to carry this intense feeling." Rei spoke sadly as he passed you a treat. You were a hot mess and Rei can only attend to your side due to how much you have gone through.

Your hair was a mess and your face was wet with tears of Volo's smirk following with Giratina too. The image will never leave your brain for who knows how long but that alone scared you to death.

"It's ok Rei it's best that you or anyone else shouldn't have to see what I saw you know?" You forced a smile at Rei despite the tears falling from your face.

If anything you told yourself that you would handle anything but Volo's betrayal was something of a slap in the face.

Rei feels the same way you do but with a hint of anger in him.

'How can he do this to us?' Rei thought thinking about how Volo was a good guy and always helped out as part of the Ginkgo Guild.

'Guess it was nothing more than to gain our trust.' Rei thought sadly as he glanced at Y/N once more as she was wiping her face with his handkerchief.

Rei did have small feelings for Y/N but didn't admit it to anyone about it. Well maybe Laventon since the day when Y/N came back to the village Laventon did call Rei out for not sleeping because he was worried about you.

'Well why shouldn't I be worried for someone who was banished for no reason other than a coincidence that had nothing to do with your arrival.' He thought still couldn't forgive commander for banishing you.

You had it tough first with your banishment and now this Rei wasn't sure what to talk to you about anymore other than think about what you have gone through.

"Damn him." Rei hissed as he clenched his first catching your attention.

He saw you looking at him worriedly as he scratches the back of his head.

"Sorry Y/N." He apologizes as he patted your back for support.

"It's ok Rei I don't blame you for feeling that way I'm sure everyone has their own opinions about it but it feels as if I shouldn't stick around in Jubilife for a while." You admitted as Rei looked at you surprised by what you said.

"What do you mean?"

"Since Volo is the talk of the town right now I think it's best for me to stay in the outskirts far away from them. I don't want to be hearing about Volo's name everyday now and-" Before you could say anything else Rei stopped you.

"It's ok Y/N you don't have to tell me anymore I'll let the Professor know about it." Rei flashed a smile at you with a thumbs up.

"Thank you Rei." You thanked him before he left your place and headed straight to headquarters.

As he left all you could do now is hope that you would recover from this painful experience you went through and that you wouldn't have to see Volo ever again since he tried to get rid of you and erase every living thing.

However, your thoughts wouldn't come true when you told yourself that you don't want to see Volo again.

Far away from Jubilife Village to the Temple of Sinnoh Volo returned to the location where he considered the end of his journey. He said it out loud to himself that it was the end but after thinking about what had happened here it all made sense to him.

Maybe his journey isn't over yet. The chances of meeting Arceus wasn't so far as he thought it was to begin with. After following you from place to place watching you carry all those stone plates in your bag. He thought himself to be lucky to have someone to do the work for him and just take the plates for himself. Of course the plan failed once he lost the battle towards you which made him sour to the bone and just left you as if nothing ever happened.

"It all makes sense now." He said to himself realizing in what he should've done and thought of before he set in stone of what he was after. Or rather who he was supposed to be after this whole time.

"If Arceus never wanted to meet me when I opened that rift from the sky the only other way I can have what I want is by force." Volo started to laugh.

"The answer was next to me this entire time and I was so blinded by the plates I didn't even think of it until now." He calms himself down as he now is determined in what he should do next.

"Well then Arceus gave me a wonderful gift from the start and even if she wasn't meant to be a gift I did have feelings for her when I saw her in those "so called clothes" she wore."

Just like that Volo knew this wouldn't be easy but he will do all it takes to retrieve in what is his. Yes he is thinking about you being the source of his missing puzzle piece.

"Looks like I need to pick up my favorite customer~." Volo said seductively.

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