Already making the moves

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Professor Laventon was watching Rei and Y/N from afar to see how this dinner date would go. He taught Rei the ways to impressing women as he had some bit of experience back in his youth when he used to live in Galar. Of course he'd seen some serious stuff that goes on growing up from women so from that experience alone would help Rei out.

While he is watching from the distance he felt a pat on his back which he wanted to let out a yelp but did his best to hold it in just so he can see how far Rei can go and what the outcome from this dinner date if Rei got Y/N's heart. He turned his head to see who patted him and it was Akari.

"Did I startle you professor?"

"Akari you almost gave me a heart attack and keep your voice down."

"What's going on?"

"See for yourself."

Akari's eyes looked at the direction from where Laventon's eyes were looking at and it was Rei and Y/N. It didn't take long before she realized what this was all about.

"So Rei decided to step up his game eh?"

"With a little help from me of course."

"You?" Akari looked at Professor Laventon with the same expression as what Rei had a few hours ago thinking that this was all a joke but since Rei was pretty much terrible of coming up with his own ideas she knows it wasn't a joke at all.

"Yes Akari I have my ways with the hearts of women." Professor Laventon said proudly.

"You sure do I guess." Akari sweat dropped as she looked over at Rei and Y/N again to see how everything is going on between the two.

"Doubt he would succeed." Akari bluntly said.

"I promise Akari my girl by tonight Y/N would develop some feelings for Rei and it will be all thanks to me." Professor Laventon said with confidence.

"Care to make a bet on this Professor? If Rei screws this up I get 10.000 poke-dollars and if he somehow managed to succeed then I'll do the next 20 missions." Akari offered as Professor Laventon thought about the bet before settling on the deal with Akari.

"I know Rei wouldn't fail me on this." Professor Laventon said looking forward to how this date would turn out.

1 hour later~

"I thought things couldn't be worse." Professor Laventon sighed in defeat handing over the money to Akari.

"At least you have something to make an example of in the future." Akari said.

The date didn't go too bad but Rei doubting his own confidence sure made him a total klutz.

Burning the berries wasn't the only thing he'd done so far on his date. He left the meal he made for you unattended too long the wild pokemon were already feasting themselves for the meal. Only leaving some leftovers behind in the process. In the end Y/N saved the dinner date by making her own meals for Rei and herself.

"I guess he's just cursed to having decent dates."

"Akari don't be cruel."

"You just don't want to admit that you lost professor."

"Yes but please spare him from the hard work he did."

"I will but the embarrassment will live on to tell in the near future."

Professor Laventon shook his head and sighed in defeat while Akari still looked proud about her victory.

"Anyways I guess we should rest for the night there are some requests from our village who want to know more about pokemon or investigate any mystery we haven't uncovered yet." Akari reminded as Laventon cleared up his throat and agreed.

"Why yes of course." Professor Laventon said as he and Akari walked over to Rei and Y/N to discuss their further missions since the investigation on Sand's Reach might need to be put on hold until any more sightings are seen.

2 hours later~

As soon as the sun already hid under the waters of Cobalt Coastlands it was time for everyone to go to sleep. Except of course Professor Laventon and the security corps to be awake at night doing their jobs.

Y/N, Akari and Rei were fast asleep and so we're all your pokemon. It was all quiet and peaceful until Y/N's Togepi all of a sudden woke up from her sleep. Togepi then started to poke at Y/N's face to wake her up only for Y/N to turn the opposite side to avoid from whatever was poking her face.

Togepi then walked out of the tent and looked around deciding to adventure around the area. Togepi first spotted the sea and decided to go wander a bit. When Togepi got there she saw how the full moon reflected the seas while watching the Meantime and Mantyke swim and fly around the oceans waters freely.

Watching this scene Togepi jumped while waving her little arms up and down as if she were flying too along with the Mantine and Mantyke. What Togepi hadn't realized that she was so drawn into the seas she ended up getting caught into the far waters herself. Togepi cried out for help seeking Y/N's help in saving her from drowning into the seas or the Remoraid who are out to attack her.

Just before anything else could happen a sudden swift came down where Togepi was and pulled Togepi out from the waters and flew her to shore far enough from the sea. Togepi was already shivering and coughing out water while still crying from the scare.

"Good job Togekiss." A masculine voice was heard as Togepi stopped crying to look who saved her. There stood a tall figure with Togekiss flying by his side.

"Oh you poor thing you are shivering so much." Volo said worriedly as he bent down to take a good look at Togepi.

"Don't worry I'll nurse you back to health little one." Volo smiled at Togepi as he began the process of healing Togepi.

He pulled out a small towel to wrap and dry Togepi up before she gets a fever. Togepi was still crying while holding onto the towel for support.

"Do you perhaps still have sea water inside your tummy I see." Volo said as he picked up Togepi flipped her to face the grass while holding her as his other hand patted her back. As a result Togepi coughed up more sea water.

"There we go sshhh." Volo patted Togepi and rocked her the way Y/N did to Togepi.

Volo knew this Togepi belonged to Y/N and an idea came to him when it came to this Togepi. While he nursed the baby pokemon to health as Togepi was starting to get better  too.

"When you get back to Y/N would you please not tell her you met me? I want to surprise her when we meet again and I want her to be happy." Volo asked Togepi as Togepi just blinked before giving a small smile in return to Volo.

"Toge Toge Pi." Is what Togepi said before waving her little arm at him.

"Good girl now best be off to your mother I bet she's worried sick about you." Volo smiled at Togepi once more before taking her back to base.

Of course Volo would only show Togepi where her home base is knowing full well he shouldn't go near let alone be seen by anyone knowing full well they would immediately tell the Commander and send out troops to look for him. He had to lay down ever since he lost to Y/N and had to keep a low profile for now before he could strike again.

As Togepi ran off to her home where Y/N was looking for her. Volo watched from afar smirking at the scene and how easily he gained Y/N's Togepi's trust.

"We'll meet again soon my favorite customer. So have fun while you still can as a gift from Arceus you'll be mine soon and if it weren't for you little Togepi I would've lost it right now and just take you away blindly." Volo said under his breath as he left to start planning in how he could get you.

Even if his plans would involve hurting those you care about.

His Favorite Customer (Yandere Volo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now