Potato mochi anyone?

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Akari and Gaeric arrived at the Pearl Settlement after a long walk from the campsite. While the snow did slow them down a few times no snow storm can stop them. Well maybe Akari since she can be found slipping into the snow and Gaeric lost count in how many times he had to pull her out from the hole himself.

"I find it funny how the Survey Corps are supposed to handle harsh environments yet you somehow still fall into deep patches of snow." Gaeric pointed out.

"Ain't my fault the weather decided to be cold with me now right?" Akari said as she uses all her force to walk through the snow.

The snow is up to her waist almost swallowing her body and the more she moves she would start to sink again into the snow.

"Anyway are we there yet?" Akari asks.

"We are now." Gaeric confirms as they both see the Pearl symbol of their clan.

"Alright then we're almost there." Akari pushes herself forward in hopes to get higher ground and make it to ground level with Gaeric as they crossed the bridge to Pearl Settlement.

"Welcome back Gaeric." A pearl clan villager greeted Gaeric as they bow to him.

"Let's not forget to greet our guest from the Jubilife Village now too." Gaeric added as the villagers greeted Akari as well.

Akari greeted back politely to the Pearl clan members as she followed Gaeric to a tent where Irida and Y/N are in.

"I'm here Irida with one of Jubilife's survey corps member Akari."

"You can come in now."

Gaeric and Akari entered the tent as they are greeted by Irida who isn't in too much of a bad shape from what Akari thought ever since she got the news.

"Irida you sure you can walk around don't you feel any side affects afterwards from what happened while you went to the hot springs?" Gaeric asks looking at Irida who doesn't show any sign of staggers or whatever side affects she and Y/N was attacked with while they were at the hot springs.

"Well I do feel a bit light headed but I also don't want to be in bed too much I still feel like I'm burning under the blankets you know." Irida complained a bit.

"So how is Y/N?" Akari looked over at Y/N who was sleeping.

"Well she is doing alright but neither of us recall about what happened when we were in the hot springs but whatever it is I'll be bringing in some backup next time." Irida said as she had her hands formed into fists.

"I feel as if it was intentional that someone was trying to attack Y/N and I but I'm not sure who would do so." Irida said as she remembers a bag being tossed at her letting out some powder as she blacked out. Irida shivers of the last thought of seeing nothing after those events.

"My hunch would be the Miss Fortune Bandits." Gaeric said.

"Nah they may enjoy throwing smoke balls to be like Beni when they try to escape while holding treasures but I doubt they can come up with a plan like this especially when 1 out of the 2 sisters in the group has a brain to hold the group together." Akari explained as both Irida and Gaeric looked at her with wide eyes.

"Oh my I never knew you'd be talk like that Akari." Irida said as she looked at Akari as if she just spoken another language.

"Those three would rather steal treasures that would be worth selling and I don't think their skills are sharp to do something like this." Akari explained.

"Ok so they are out of the question for now." Gaeric said as he thought of anyone else who could do so but gave up afterwards.

"Well whoever it is I hope we can bring them down so no one else would get hurt." Irida said as she looked over at Y/N who is sleeping.

"Almighty Sinnoh how long has she been asleep Irida?" Akari bent down and poked Y/N on the cheek making sure she's alive.

"Not sure myself does she usually sleep a lot back in Jubilife?" Irida asks.

"Sometimes whenever she goes on a long mission and doesn't come back until next week or so." Akari said as she tried to wake Y/N up with a potato mochi.

"Come on Y/N you love the smell of potato mochi there is plenty just for you." Akari waved the potato mochi near Y/N's nose as the scent travels to Y/N's nose. The potato mochi scent was strong enough to wake Y/N up from her sleep.

"You're finally awake." Akari said.

"Yeah all because you almost shoved a potato mochi up my nose and that I could've died from the lack of air." Y/N said sarcasticly.

"Ok I'm sorry but I was worried that you weren't responding so I did what I thought would wake you up." Akari claimed as Irida and Gaeric shake their heads from Akari's response.

"Anyway I'm going to see Lord Avalugg and meet up with Sabi if she knows anything else to what might've happened to Irida and Y/N." Gaeric said as he grabbed a potato mochi before leaving for Lord Avalugg.

"Hey Y/N aren't you going to share those with me too?" Irida pouted as she watches Akari and Y/N eat potato mochi's.

"There's enough for everyone Irida you can have some yourself." Y/N smiled as she gave Irida a potato mochi.

"Now that's not something I'd see you do Irida I thought Adaman would've done a pouty face to get what he wants." Akari laughed as Irida ate her potato mochi choosing to let Akari laugh since it was better being made fun of from Akari than Adaman.

"Just be glad that I don't treat you the way I treat Adaman." Irida said sheepishly as Akari and Y/N laughed.

Meanwhile at Ancient Retreat~

Cogita was preparing her usual afternoon tea ever since Y/N moved around this area things have been less lonely and more interesting to her. Usually Cogita would seem the type to not disturb or bother due to how she appears to be and while Cogita doesn't mind any peace and quiet she wouldn't mind having someone live near her home.

Cogita wanted to share some history and ancient relics with someone who would listen to her word for word. Volo was someone who would listen to her talks about what legends she knew about and other mysteries within this world but she has always despised telling Volo about information like this.

She always felt as if Volo was planning something behind everyone's back and as if it wasn't suspicious enough of him to keep asking for more information about these legends he was plotting for. By this point she wasn't sure at that time if it was his curiosity that led him to his madness or his fascination of history that led to what he was doing while he was being the good ginkgo guide merchant.

Cogita sighs to herself dismissing the thought of what the scoundrel has been doing and where in the world he is doing in Hisui it was best for her not to think about what he is up to these days. Cogita places her tea set, tea biscuits and a slice of strawberry cake on her table as she sits down.

As soon as she takes a sip from her tea she feels a presence she is familiar with and it has been a while since she felt it or rather who it was. Standing in front of her is the one who was the last person she'd ever expect to see again and Hisui's most wanted at the moment.

"Well if it isn't the former member of the Ginkgo Guide."

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