Joyful memories you couldn't forget

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"It looks like Shaymin is doing a lot better now." Y/N smiled as Shaymin cried out happily.

"I must say Shaymin really is happy to see you again Y/N." Laventon smiled at the little hedgehog.

While Y/N and Laventon were busy seeing over Shaymin for it's cuteness Rei came into the infirmary with a red ears, cheeks and nose while shaking in his boots.

"Ah Rei how was the mission in the Icelands?" Laventon questioned.

"Don't ask professor." Rei groaned as he dragged himself onto the bed and wait for medical assistance.

"What happened to him?" Y/N asked.

"From what he told me he said that he was being chased by a Piloswine while running he tripped, rolled down the hill and hit against a tree as a result a clump of snow fell on top of him." Akari answered walking into the infirmary.

"Oh Akari how was Crimson Mirelands?"

"I don't know how Adaman and his people can live in that environment the humidity is what I don't stand for." Akari huffed trying to not remember the feeling of how much she walked in the ponds and mud.

"You're one to talk Akari. And I thought we agreed that you weren't supposed to tell anyone." Rei said feeling betrayed by how Akari outed him.

"Who said I did agree to those terms right after you took my leftover potato mochis without asking me first." Akari retorted.

"For Survey Corp members you both act like children." Professor Laventon sighed.

"I mean we are all 15 Professor what do you expect?" Akari reminded as Rei agreed by her claims.

"Exactly 15 year olds which means it's time for you both to act mature and responsible while doing your duties as Survey Corp members do not forget that." Cyllene came into the infirmary which startled everyone in the room.

"Yes Captain." Rei and Akari said at the same.

"Hello Cyllene." Laventon greeted.

"I would say the same thing to you Laventon. How's Shaymin?"

"Shaymin is doing alright now that it's been cured." Y/N answered.

"That's good." Cyllene said despite the monotone in her voice she gives a small smile from the news before returning to her usual seriousness.

"Now then is there anything new to report to them?" Cyllene asked as Laventon cleared his throat while picking up a piece of paper.

"Yes I do and it was something I discovered and wrote it down while I was at Colbat Coastlands in Sand's Reach." Laventon said as Cyllene, Y/N, Rei and Akari listen to what he has to report.

"While the Galaxy Team members and I were setting up the base I heard a cry of a pokemon. I didn't know if it was just a common pokemon like Remoraid or Qwilfish so I didn't think too much of it and then it happened. While I was filling in new information for the Pokedex I saw something small and aquatic swimming in the ocean. I wanted to see what it was but it was too fast for me to catch up to even see what it was." Professor Laventon said as everyone in the room were thinking if what he saw is true or he probably mistook it for another pokemon.

"Maybe it was a Mantyke professor you know they are aquatic too and swim fast too so it must be one." Rei suggested only for Laventon to look at him in disapproval by his claims to what he saw.

"Oh Rei my boy I know what I saw and I don't believe it's a Mantyke otherwise I would've seen it jump in the air like what I see in these reports." Laventon stated as Cyllene cleared her throat to get the two males attention.

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