Part 44

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Darui watched the calm waters of the ocean drift in and out of the shoreline. It was the moment before the storm. Calmness radiated around the environment although every single shinobi standing behind Darui felt as if a kunai would strike them the moment they blinked.

The division had received word of the impending army heading their way. He wasn't surprised they had broken through the ranks, not that he doubted Kitsuchi's skill. It was simply that there were too many for one division to handle.

"They're coming" Darui muttered as he spotted green mops of hair rising from the ocean "Give the signal to get into position for battle" Darui ordered as the diverse range of shinobi readied themselves.

"There's so many" Tenten muttered with doubt lingering in her brown eyes.

Asuma, who was a part of the division, glared at the sea and hoped he would make it back to Kurenai and their unborn child.

Hiashi, the clan head of the Hyuuga clan, narrowed his eyes as he activated his Byakugan "It's not just their numbers. Headquarters was right, I can distinguish the adept ones with my Byakugan" He stated.

Hiashi faltered as he noticed Kakuza of the Akatsuki trailing out of the water as well.

"Lord Hiashi! L-Look toward 10 o'clock!" Kada, another member of the Hyuuga clan exclaimed.

Hiashi did as he said before his mouth dropped open.

"T-That's..." Hizashi...

Alongside Hizashi, Hiashi's twin deceased brother stood Dan Kato, once lover to Tsunade and renowned Jounin of the Leaf.

As Darui watched them come to shore with the white Zetsu's. He noticed how confused the two reanimated beings appeared to be.

"Their emotions are still intact, for now" Darui muttered to himself "This is our chance to defeat them before it gets harder!" He yelled back to his troops.

Hiashi and members of his clan, as well as members of the division, veered off to deal with Hizashi.

"N-No way! It's...Lords Kinkaku and Ginkaku!" A cloud shinobi exclaimed suddenly with fear in his eyes as the divisions rushed into a defensive position.

The two were known infamously across the shinobi world as the Gold and Silver Brothers who were distantly related to the Sage of Six Paths. Their fame was earned before the First Shinobi war when the two attempted to capture the Nine-tailed beast and ultimately failed as the beast swallowed them instead.

The brothers had survived for two weeks in Kurama's stomach living on his flesh before the fox regurgitated them. This left them with unusually large chakra reserves and abilities similar to a Jinchuriki.

They were truly a formidable opponent and would have no qualms about fighting in this war if it meant continuing their show of prowess.


"These two are bathed in the Nine Tails' chakra!" Ao exclaimed as he focused on the chakra ball in front of him.

A and Tsunade shared incredulous expressions as they were informed of the situation with the brothers and Dan on the battlefield.

A stood up with a heated expression "I have no choice but to go out there myself!" He exclaimed bravely.

Shikaku Nara chose this moment to step forward with a stern glare "Please wait, Lord Raikage...Hatake-san gave specific orders that the higher-ups are to remain safe in order to give orders to the troops until the final stages of the war should something happen to him!" Shikaku's glare intensified as he stared at the Raikage, a brave feat for a man half the size of A "That is your duty towards the supreme commander and your charges"

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