Chapter 3: Letters, Friends... Evil Plots!

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a/n: Uh oh, that can't be good! Whats gonna happen in this chapter? Its time to see what surprises our heroes get when they get their Hogwarts Letters.

Ron's pov:

It is mid morning in the quiet village of Ottery St. Catchpole, breakfast had just been served hours ago and it was stupendous as always! Right now we sat in the sitting room, Harry and I playing a few rounds of Wizards Chest while the girls were watching us, well Hermione was half reading a book she'd brought down from our bed room. Mum had gone to Diagon Alley to do some shopping, saying she would be back after lunch, so that meant we had to cook lunch by ourselves.

"Wow! Harry you won three out of five games with Ron!" Exclaimed Ginny who looked shocked at this, "I have to admit she's right, you haven't won a game against in all our years at Hogwarts." Says Hermione, "Well I picked up a few moves over the years and plus there was that one time when Sirius taught me how to play." Replies Harry with a grin, "Good game mate, eh." I said sticking out my hand which he shook, "It was Ron." He said grinning.

There was a tapping sound coming from the kitchen, "That must be an owl, I'll go get it shall I." I said as I walked to the kitchen, I saw a sooty owl carrying four letters, I took them from its beak and fed it some treats, it nipped my finger and flew away. I walked back to the sitting room, "It looks like our Hogwarts letter." Chimes Hermione as I gave her one of the letters, "Lets open them!" Exclaimed Ginny excitedly as we did exactly that. I was shocked to have read what was on mine, blimey I am going to be head boy! I saw Hemione grinning through her treas as she read hers, "Looks all our letters have surprises in them. I am a perfect!" Announced Ginny who showed us her badge, "'Mione and I are Head boy and Head girl." I said getting a huge embrace from 'Mione and a proud smile from Ginny, "What's on yours Harry?" Asked Hermione as we all looked at him curiously.

He cleared his throat and began to read...

'Dear Mr. Potter,

I am pleased to inform you that Hogwarts had been rebuilt to its former glory and we are awaiting your return for you last year. As you know the spot for Defense of the Dark Arts will be empty as was couldn't find a single person to fill the post. I have heard that Kingsly had met you over the summer and had offered you the post as a consolation for declining to join the auror office, I was delighted to hear that you accepted the offer!

Please come to my office after the opening feast, we will discuss more about the matter. You'll also be pleased to hear that you were chosen as the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain this year, Ms. Weasley will be your Co-Captain. We will be looking forward for your arrival.

Yours Truly,

Minerva Mcgonagall
Head Mistress

We all stared at him shocked, he didn't tell us about his appointment as DADA professor! Then Ginny ran up to him and gave him a heartfelt kiss as he carried her off the ground and spun her around. Hermione and I went to them and shook Harry's hand.

"CONGRATS HARRY! You'll be a great Professor!" Yelled Ginny as she looked up into his eyes, "She's right mate, you'll be amazing!" I agreed as Hermione nodded her head. A voice came from the entrance of the room, "Well this is all great news, isn't it now. You all deserve this after what you've done in Hogwarts." Says Charlie entering the room, "And Harry you'd make an excellent Professor for sure! I mean look at what you taught the DA, those were good times." George chimes in giving Harry an encouraging smile as Harry smiled back, "Looks like its time for a family get together then, eh?" Said Charlie grinning.

Just then my stomach rumbled, everyone looked at me and we all burst out laughing, I noticed that Harry had left the room and smelled something good coming from the kitchen, "Blimey Harry, I didn't know you could cook!" Exclaimed George as we all went to the kitchen, "It smells great Har!" Said Hermione and we all agreed, "Well I hope you are all starving then 'cause its ready." Replied Harry with smile as the table was set with a flick of Charlie's wand. We all sat and ate, the food was splendid! We a looked at Harry with shocked faces, "HARRY! This is mind blowing!" Can't say I disagree with Charlie who was on his thrid plate, "I agree, where did you learn to cook like this?" Asked Ginny curiously, "Well living with the Durerslys gave me the basic skills, with having to do the chores cooking included. And sneaking into the kitchens of Hogwarts, the house elves taught me a few recipies including the Potter Family recipes, Winky used to serve the residents of Potter Manor when my dad was a still young boy." He explained.

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