Epilogue: Years after the War

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a/n: Hello people so here we are at last the end of it all *tears stained eyes*. I had so much fun writing this story and seeing your commonets thank you so much for your support really guys *grins*. Now let's get on with this yeah!

This chap is dedicated to @potterheadswiftiemeg, her story My Superman- Harry and Ginny's Life its an awesome fan fic.

(Huge Time Skip: June 20, 2006)

Ginny's pov:

It's been eight years since the war and everything was doing great, James and Teddy are growring rapiddly, Ted now at eight years old while James is at two. Little Ablus our second born now a one year old, time really does fly by. Today Harry and I are taking a break from work and watching the kids and having a time for our selves. We droped them off at Ron and Hermione's while Teddy went off to visit Victore.

"Are you ready Gin?" Asked Harry who was waiting by the staircase, " Yes Harry." I answered as I slipped on my shoes and went out of the room.

I am married to Harry for six years now but I couldn't help myself from swooning inside when I look at him, "Off we go then." He says offering his arm to as me I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Where are we going Mr. Potter?" I asked him in mock seriousness, "That is a surprise Mrs. Potter." He says giving me a sexy smirk.

We walked out of the house and walked on the streets for a while until we popped out of sight, in seconds I felt my feet on the ground the place was decorated with lanterns, there was a tents, a picknick table. I looked at Harry to see him smiling.

I hugged him smiling widely, "Oh Harry this is beautiful!" I excalimed then a realized something, "Where are we though?" I asked him ceriously as I went inside the tent.

He followed me inside, "Glad you like it Gin. We're in the Black Forest of Germany." He informs smiling as I looked around the large tant, "Ah the wonders on undetectable extention charm can do." He adds chuckling to himself.

The tent was bigger then it looked and let us just say it reminded my of the Gryffindor Common Room' warm, cozzy and lively. I looked at Harry smiling to myself 'I couldn't have married a better man.' I thought as walked to him and gave him a hug as he warpped his arms around my waist.

We stood there for what felt like enternity, then we pulled away and went outside, "Wanna go for a walk?" Harry asked politely offering his hand to me, "Sure I would love to." I answered with a smile.

And so we walked in the woods talking about work, the kids and other things. It felt like old times back at Hogwarts, when we'd just walk around the lake talking about our day weather we were friends or a couple, it was so narutal to be with him. We stoped infront of a green field there was a lake in the end of it.

He truns to me a michivous glint in his eyes, "Let's play a game catch shell we." He says truning into his animagus form and running ahead of me, "Yeah how old are we, five!" I yelled after him as I ran as well. Boy was he fast, 'I need something faster.' Then in two heart beats I truned in to a red fox. I am an Animagus!

We ran and ran until it was sun set I caught up to him evenually, his dialated green eyes widened but then I saw them light up as he ran faster. We were at the edge by now.

Harry's pov:

She's an animagus! Wow a red fox, with brown eyes just perfect she was cornering me at the lake by now. I could tell she was laughing intenally. I had to smile to myself as I ran to the edge she ran after me, then she pushed me into the water in two heat beats we were back in human form laughing at our craziness.

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