Chapter 18: Wedding after Wedding

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a/n: Two more chapters guys! *Cries* I really did enjoy writing this story, there were some funny parts here and there. Hahaha, It was fun while it lasted *sniffs saddly* I'll miss ya guys!!! All dramatic jokes aside there will be a sequal and no spoilers.

This chap is dedicated to @PotterFanForeves14 read her story Harry and Ginny.

(Time skip: A month later)

Kate's pov:
(a/n: This is my first time writing her pov, so bare with me on this one.)

It's been a month since we've garduated, yeah a month you heard that right. Merlin time sure is running fast these days! Today is my wedding day and the girls and I are in a muggle hotel in New York. Hermione reserved a room for us and the guys, while Harry also booked a limo survice for us.

"Kate it's only an hour 'til we have to go!" Calls out Hermione, "Relax 'Mione geez, and here I thought it was the bride's job to be all frantic and nervious." Says Ginny rolling her eyes palyfully.

Hanna giggled, "You Weasleys always the jokers, but we gotta run and run fast it looks like it's about to rain." She says pointing at the wall sized window, "And Merlin chose this day to make it rain.." Adds in Pansy sighing.

Then a knock came from the door, "Uh, room sevice the bride ordered a few glasses of water." Says a voice from the other side, "And some wet towels." He adds.

Ginny giggles at his words, "Get in here Harry!" She calls.

The door opens and Harry walks in wearing his navy blue suit, holding a tie that matched Ginny's fushia pink dress. He was smiling at us sheepishly, Ginny giggled at his expression and tied his tie for him.

"Thanks Gin." He tells her blushing slightly, "You girls are quiet beautiful this morning. But the of course the bride stand out the most." He says honestly.

I blush at his words, "Thank you for those kind words Harry. But what brings you here to this lovely room?" Pansy asked politely, "And how's the groom doing?" Asked Luna

"Ah stright to business then, I am just here to say that the limoes have arrived and the guys are about to go." He answers chucklling, "And Seamuss is nervious but excited to marry Katie." He adds in ginning.

We all smile back and finish getting ready, after a munite of putting on make up we finally left the room. The guys left a head while Harry was with us, until we reached the church.

"See you grils later." He says rushing inside.

(The ceremony)

Seamuss' pov:

I waited neveriously for the wedding to start, in a matter of seconds the music played. The bridal party and the groom's men went out followed the maid of honor and the best man Harry then walked beside me and gave me a smile.

"She looks beautiful, mate." Whispers Harry, "You've gat a great girl with you." He adds smiling.

Then she appeared as beatuiful as ever, with her pearlly pink gown with steaks of silver here and there. Her arms was link to her father's, as soon as she reached the alter her father handed her off to me, I could see tears threating to fall from his eyes.

Then the ceremony started, "Dearlly beloved we gather here today to whitness the marrage of Katie Bell and Seamuss Finnigan." Said the priest smiling, "Here we see a bonding of love and loyalty, they've been through thick and thin to reach this stage inn their lives..." And so he continued.

The ceremony went by faster then you could say, 'quiddtich' the next thing I knew we were kissing and everone cheered for us. Kate and I were swept into a group hug by the whole DA and then our families. We moved out of the church and all road the limos to the wedding recpetion.

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