Love is in the Air

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A/N: Hey guys another extra chapter for the story. After graduation chap, a little bit Hinny there, a pinch of Romione here.

Ginny's pov:
It was the month after graduation and everyone was out job hunting. Katie and Seamuss were planing for their wedding, while Ron and Hermione were out in Australia looking for her parents.

The warm afternoon air was just right, this being summer and all. I sat by the old oak tree, reading a book Hermione had leant me, it was an intresting book something about greek and roman myths.

Harry's been out doing auror training for nearly three weeks, while I was waiting for my official notice from the Harrpies as to when parctice would start. Felur, Anglina and my Mum had been helping with the wedding plans.

"Well someone's becoming a bookworm." Said the voice I've missed so much, "HARRY! Your back!" I exclaimed droping the book as I got up and ran to greet him. He laughed as he spun me around, "Yeah I am back, Kingsly gave me a month off from training. I decided to spend my break here with you and your lovely family." He explained leaning down to kiss me.

I swung my arms around his neck pulling him closer, the kiss got deeper. His hand caressing my cheeks, while mine went into his soft black hair, we had to pull away for breath.

"Merlin, I've missed you so much! I have a question for you." He says smiling cutely his hand never leaving my cheek, "Ask away." I said ushering him to go on, "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked, being the gentleman he is making me smile, "Yes of course I would." I responded giggling.

He raised a brow clearly amused by my reaction, "When are we going?" I asked curiously, "Tonight my lady, don't over dress it's nothing formal." He replys in a cheshire accent.

I wonder what he was up too with this. After a time a lone with Harry we went inside the house to greet my parents who got back from their shopping trip. I told them about Harry's plans for us tonight and they were delighted, I swear I saw my dad wink at Harry while my mum gave me warm smile.

I don't know what's gonna happen, but I'm happy he's back.

(Date Night)
As I was getting ready for my date when I saw a note lieing on my study. I had to smile as I saw the familiar messy scroll.

Do my dearest
A million stars shine on the sky, yet one shines brighter I can't denay.
Your the one without a daught, the one thing my heart desires.
Not even high moutaines, nor deep oceans keep me from you.
My mind never wavers when I think of thee. As I would foten stare at the sea.
Here I am tonight near a special place, where the flowers never fail to make the air smell fresh and the water flows near by an oak.
Memeories never keep me far, I'll always remember this place not etched by war.

Sinceraly yours,

Sighed feeling warm as I read the note again, he never fails to make me feel loved, wanted and safe. I went out of my room and walked to the back door leading to the huge garden.

There was a path of rose pettals leading to the stream by the old oak, I smiled so that's what he meant. The place was lit by floating lanterns, there was a blacket set in the middle just under the tree and the picknick barcket the sat beside the tree.

"You found it then?" Asked a voice, I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind, "Harry this is perfect! Honestly I don't know how you manage things like this." I replyed turning so I would be facing him, "Ah this is just the begining love. I just think qbout what you would like in a romanic date and this is what I imagine." He explains smiling as he walked me to the picknick.

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