A Magical New Years Eve.

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a/n: Another short story this is about their New Years Eve party and how it went. There will by a lot of fluffy romantic moments on here so I hope you'll like it.

This is dedicated to @AbbyDaughterofAhena, may wisdom guide you to a better future.

(#12 Grmmauld Pace: New Years Eve)


A sound came from the living room as I headed down for breakfast, it was quiet in the narrowed halls of Number 12 Grimmauld's Place, I think no one is up yet. When I reached the entrance to the sitting room I heard the sound of a piano playing, I entered the room to find Harry playing a tune of a familiar song. I smiled at this humming to the song as I walked over to him.

I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I places my chin on his shoulder, "Hum, are you heaven sent?" He mumbles in question as he smelled my hair.

"Are you implying that I am an angel." I stated looking at him smiling.

He smiles back giving me a kiss good morning, "Well you are my angel sent to me by the heavens above, you are my salvation." He tells me his eyes holding so much emotion, he was being sincere with his words, "I will love you always." He adds as we pulls away.

My breath gets caught in my throat his words making my heart melt, "I love you too Harry. I've always loved you." I tells him laying my head on his shoulder.

He plays another song,

"When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
And darling I will be loving you till you're 70
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking about how." He sang and his voice sounded amazing.

"Harry I never knew you could sing!" I exclaimed in a soft voice, "You have a great voice."

He chuckles at my reaction, "Well I only knew I could sing after Christmas day. I haven't told anyone else." He tells me ginning, "So it's only you who knows for now. Oh and thanks for the compliment." He adds in.

I smiled I loved how Harry and I can just share anything to each other, I loved the idea that we could trust each other with our secrets. I know things about him that no one else does and I loved that.

"Master Harry breakfast is ready." Says Kreacher as he walks into the room, "And good morning to you Ms. Weasley." He greets facing me as he gives us both a warm smile.

"We'll be right there Kreacher thank you." Harry tells him with a smile, "And please wake everyone else as well." I chimed in remembering that no one else was up yet."

"Yes Ms. Weasley it would be a pleasure to wake the rest." He tells us and leaves with a little bow.

Harry and I walked out of the sitting room and tucked our selves in the dinning area. We heard foot steps walk down the stairs and head to the direction of the dining area.

"Oh good morning to you both." Greats Mum smiling at both of us as Dad comes in and takes his place in the head of the table.

"Good morning." We said in unison as we sat ourselves down Harry sat left to dad while I sat beside him.

Everone else filed in with their sginificant other; Ron and Hermione, George and Angelina, Percy and Pinipoll, Bill and Fleur with one year old Victore and Charlie and Elounor. Once everyone was seated we all ate in silance but it was a comfortable one, it wasn't like we didn't know what so say. But it was like we just wanted to enjoy the moment.

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