Chapter 19: The Start of a New Era

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a/n: Buenosdias mi amigos! Hahaha, trying to speek some spinsh so one chapter left 'til the end of this book *smiles sadly*. But on the bright side I'll be making a sequel so the story is not ending just yet.

This chapter is dedicated @harry_potter_mania read her stories guys. Thanks for your support my friend

Ron's pov:
Today I went to visit Harry and Ginny in #12 Gimmaulds place, I am so nervious about proposing to Hermione I honestly have no idea when or where I am gonna do it. I was hoping that Harry can help me with this, I knocked on the door anxiously waiting for someone to answer.

When it opened Ginny's face appeared, "Ron it's good to see you! It has been a while come in." She says hugging me while ushering me inside, "Harry mind preparing an extra cup of tea we have a guest."

"Sure love right away." Answers Harry from somewhere.

Ginny and I walk to the living room and I sat on the couch while Ginny sat opposit of me, "So how's Hermione?" She asked.

"She's going great, Gin still the same book loving girl we all come to love." I tell her chuckling, "Gin who's... Ron it's great to see you mate, what brings you here?" He asked putting the tray with three cups of tea and a plate crackers on the coffee table.

I smile at him, "I wanted to talk to you about Hermione..." I say trailing off in the end, "What about her?" Asked my sister raising a brow.

"I want to propose to her. And I was hoping you could help me." I tell them scratching the back of my head, "By merlin's pants that's great news mate, it really is! I am sure she'll love what ever idea you have in mind!" Exlciamed Harry going around the table to give me brotherly hug.

Ginny also stood up and came to hug me, "Oh Ron I am so happy for you, we'd be happy to help." She says ginning widely, "It would be our pleasure Ron, really." Harry adds.

"I was thinking about taking her to this muggle resaurunt in some other country. I don't know which country though." I tell them thinking about it, "Why not go to France I mean it's the city of love and Hermiome's been wanting to go there." Suggeted Ginny after a thought.

Harry's eyes sparckled at the thought"That's a great idea Gin, we can ask Bill and Felur if there are any good resaurunts there." He says nodding his head, "And maybe take her to the Empire State in New York, and propose to her there." Ginny adds as an after thought.

"That's a great idea! Thank you so much for your help guys!" I exclaimed thankful that they were here, "I've all ready planed out what to say. Can I ask a favor from you guys..."

Harry looked at me with a quetioning glance, "Can you be there to play and sing when I propose to her?" I asked nerviously awiating or their answer, "Ron it would be our pleasure to be there!!!" He excliamed excitingly.

Ginny nods rapidly in agrrement, "It'd be nice to be out and about ya know." She says smiling.

Now that the day was set, the veneus ready and the words are prepared it's now or never. I love Hemrione form the moon and back I would literally race back in time to fix every mistake I made with her, but I wouln't change our story for the world.

(A month later: the day of the proposal)

Today's the day I propose to the woman of my dreams I am standing by this really amazing French resaurunt – thanks to Bill and Felur – that we were able to find. Harry was by my side trying to ease me of my nerves.

"Don't worry so much mate she'll love this for sure!" He exlcaimed patting me on the back, "I just got a call from Ginny they'll be here soon. Just take a deep breath and relax." He advised.

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