Chapter 11: Holidays or Horrid Plays

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a/n: Hey guys so this is gonna be a bit long idk how long I'm gonna write this chapie. Well better stick around to find out then *gins*. Oh and this chapter is set two weeks after they had the Halloween ball.

Chapter dedicated to @Hedwig_potato.

(two weeks after the Halloween ball)

Ron's pov:

It's been two weeks since the ball and we had a great time, I had a wonderful time with Hermione and I could tell she ad a great time too. The day after we all went home to spend the holidays in the Burrow. So here were are busy with out Christmas shopping list, Harry and Ginny have been going out buying their Christmas presents for everyone.

Hermione sat on the couch reading a book, I smiled at this she never ceases to amaze me with the ability to read anything she may find interesting. While I sat on the carpeted floor with George playing exploding snap. It was quiet in the house which was a rare ouccurance in the Wesley household, I don't remember a time when this ever happened.

"It's awfully quiet here isn't it?" Says George after a few more minutes of silence.

I nodded in agreement, "Yes it is George, I don't remember this ever happening." I tell him, "I wonder were Mum is." I add just noticing my mum wasn't here.

"She went to the market to buy stuff got Christmas dinner Ron." Answered Hermione looking up from the book she was reading, "It is really weird not to hear any noise in this house." She sates as an after thought.

Then a pop was heard from the back garden we all shared a look and pulled out out wands for security purposes. We went outside and saw Harry and Ginny walk to the door, I pointed my wand at Harry while George had pointed his at Ginny.

"Who placed you name in the Goblet of fire six years ago?" Hermione asked Harry eyeing him suspiciously.

Harry thought for a moment, "Bartty Crouch jr." He answered as I lowered my wand.

"Who led the attack on the Burrow during you fifth year?" Hermione asked tuning to Ginny.

Ginny looked at us in deep thought, "Beliarix Lestrange." She answered broadly

George put down his wand, "It's great to see you guys and sorry about that but you know why we did it." He says hugging the both of them.

"It's all right George we get it we would have done the same." Says Harry smiling, "Why don't I get those bags off of your hand love. I'll put them in our room." He says turning his attention to Ginny.

She smiled gratefully, "Alright thanks Harry." She says kissing his cheek.

We entered the house once again while Harry levitated the shopping bags to their room Ginny, Hermione, George and I went to the sitting room and made ourselves comfy.

"What did you guys buy?" Asked George curiously, "I know it was out Christmas gifts." He adds.

Ginny nods her head, "It is your Christmas gifts. No peaking on them 'til Christmas day." She warns, "Or else..." She trails off twirling her wand over her fingers.

"Now, now darling there's no need to do that to them." Says Harry entering the room and taking his seat beside Ginny on the love seat, "You know how your mom dislikes threats on haxing people." He remind her pulling her nearer to him.

She gives a pout, "Aw I was just kidding around Har." She says innocently batting her eyelashes at him.

"Fine then love, your just lucky I am not your mum." He tells her chuckling.

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