Chapter 2: Memories and Grieving

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a/n: There is a bit of a sentimental moment on this chapter. But all I can say is "Pain can never go away, but all it takes is a smile to make it heal each and everyday."

Third Person's pov:

Another day dawns in the quiet town of Ottery St. Chatchpole, the sun rises on the fields leading to the Burrow. One person looks over the horizon, grieving for the loss of her brother, Fred Weasley. Ginny Weasley stands looking out to the sunrise, reminiscing the memories she had of that unforgettable night, hearing her brother's last laugh, seeing him take in his last breath and feeling his last heartbeat before he passed on. The memories were too hard to forget, too hard let go, and the tears wouldn't stop flowing. The cold winds beating on her skin as she shivered, hearing the chirping of the birds made her smile a little.

"What are you doing up so early, love?" Asked the voice she thought she would never hear again, "Woke up with a bad dream, couldn't go back to sleep." Harry could hear the shaking in her voice and he knew what happened, "It's alright Ginny, I know it's hard to move on but we have to slowly heal the scars." He says holding her tight, "I know Harry, Fred's probably looking at me funny right now. It's just hard to let go of that night, and you also..." Ginny trails off burying her head into his chest, "Oh Ginny, I could have really went on and never came back. But I couldn't leave you, my heart broke when you screamed my name hearing your staggered cries made me want to lash out at Tom." He admits as she lifts her head up to face him, " It's alright Harry I understood why you had to do it, on the contrary I just hated the fact that you were the one that had to do it. We all knew the prophesy and we also knew that you can't avoid it for long, so it had to happen. I am just happy your here and a live." She said as he looked into his emerald eyes, "That's right Gin and I am not going anywhere, once was quite enough for me. Just remember your not a lone, I sure had to learn that for the past years that I was never a lone to face all the darkness, your family and Hermione reminded me that a lot. And now I am doing the same for you." She smiled and reached up to plant a kiss on his lips then pulled away.

Music played from the radio Arthur Weasley acquired from Hermione just a few weeks ago, the song sounded familiar to Harry as he began swaying Ginny gently in the small patio...

Tho' your heart is aching

Even tho' it's breaking

Sang Charlie Chaplin as the couple danced to it slowly, Ginny's head on Harry chest while he held her close. The song continued as the sun shun on them making Ginny's hair shine from it's radiant glow.

"When there are clouds in the sky

You'll get by
If you
Smile through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You'll see the sun come shining thru for you."

A smiling Molly Weasley was watching the happy couple as George and Arthur joined her, their hearts warming up as they saw the scene unfold. George for fist time in three months was truly happy as he smiled softly seeing his sister dancing with the man she loved as for Arthur, well he was glad that the two had reunited after their break up during the war, he was both proud and sad as he realized that his daughter would one day be leaving the Burrow and married with the man who truly loved her.

"Light up your face with gladness

Hide ev'ry trace of sadness

Altho' a tear maybe ever so near

That's the time you must keep on trying

What's the use of crying

You'll find that life is still worth while

If you'll just smile."

As the song needed the happy couple looked into each other's eyes and shared a sweet yet gentle kiss, which held unspoken promises for both.

Sometimes it takes time to heal the scars brought on by war, but it wouldn't hurt to smile even though the pain would never truly disappear. There is always light through the darkness, just walk through it there might be trouble a long the way but that is part of life as we live through them. Through hurt, sadness and anguish there will be the happy moments, hope will always be there to guide us out of the wickedness of evil.

(Later that day)

Hermione's pov:

It has been another beautiful day at the Burrow with Ron, Ginny and Harry. I can't believe the war is finally over, Harry and Ginny are back together which mad us all happy while Ron and I are now a couple. We all sat in the sitting room watching a muggle T.V show which peeked the interests of Ron and Ginny, Harry watched them with pure amusement as they marveled at the contraption in front of them. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting which meant that Arthur and George would be back soon, I was glad that the Wizarding World was recovering from the dark era it emerged from.

After the movie we all sat engaging in conversation, Ginny told Ron and I what happened earlier that morning, it made Ron smile gratefully at his best friend as for me I was proud about what Harry said and it was true. The last part made me let out a dramatic 'aww', this made them stare at me with amused expressions.

"Well this turned out to be an interesting day after all." Said Ron laughing slightly, "You could say that a again big bro." Replies Ginny who gave Harry a dreamy smile, "Its good to know that some of Dumbledore's wisdom rubbed off on me a little bit. He always had his ways with wise words, even in the afterlife." Chimes Harry pulling the red haired girl into his arms, "Nice to see you four love birds enjoying yourselves." Said a male voice making Ron and Ginny grin widely as we faced the source of the voice.

Ginny stood up and ran to hug the man, "CHARLIE! ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU!" She yells excitedly as Ron followed suite, "What are you doing here? I mean its great to see you back home big bro, just curious." He said earning a slight smile from his second eldest brother, "Well my head of office sent me off on a two month vacation for doing some extra field work for the last three weeks. Plus its a month before your return to Hogwarts, I wouldn't wanna miss your last send off on the Express." Charlie explains, "Molly would be off in hysterics if she saw you, Charlie." Said Harry as he shook Charlie's hand, "Mum saw me through the kitchen window and practically ran a yard to tackle me into one of her bone crunching hugs. Glad to see your alright Harry, its been a while." Replies the second eldest Weasley child with a grin, "That would sound like Molly alright, she's just happy your home." I chimed in shaking his hand as he smiled at me.

Molly called us in for dinner say that Arthur and George would be arriving late tonight. Looks like its just us, but hey there is never a dull moment in the Weasley household.

That is the end this chapter, I think that sentimental moment up there is getting to me. Charlie Weasley's back with the fam! YEY! *smiling*

Ron: I was truly missing Charlie those last three months! Its great to have him back!

Ginny: Here! Here Ronald!

Me: The Weasley fam is complete! *grins*

Charlie: I have a lot of crazy stories I'll have to tell you guys. *grins widely*

Harry: Layla doesn't own us Ms. Rowling does.

Hermione: She also doesn't own the song mentioned on this chapter.

Me: Sorry for that guys, and thanks too. Looks like its gonna be a really redunion then *winks*. Hehehe.

Everyone: *laughs*

{Que Song}

Song: Smile by Charlie Chaplin

Picture: Charlie Weasley

Loco motor mortise!

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