Not So Picture Perfect

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(A/N: Hey, hi, hello! I am baaaaack!

With something sort of new this time round.

Btw, I'm NOT a Twilight fan, I'm just writing this because..... uhhh..... I dunno really. I guess I just want to.

BTW, (yet again), this story is sort-of-kind-of-loosely-based on Take Me With You When You Go, by David Levithan and Jennifer Niven, except this stories version of Ezra doesn't exist since Renesmee is an only child, and there's no emailing, just a diary.

We on the same page?

Ok good. Let's get going.)


September 21st

All my life I've been expected to be a perfect little princess. No flaws in sight. The one hundred percent best at anything and everything. 

"Renesmee, start again! You messed up the chorus!"

"Renesmee, stop stop stop! You're supposed to turn to the left, not the right!"

Renesmee this, Renesmee that. I worked my butt off, yet it wasn't enough. I used to lie awake at night, tossing and turning and questioning if I was good enoug hfor anything

From practically Day One Mom and Dad had my whole life mapped out for me. What hobbies I'd take up (piano and dancing for example), who I'd marry (Jacob Black, Mom's best friend who imprinted on me when I was a baby, a freaking baby! Gr-oss!), the date of my wedding, even what I'd wear on my big day, (Believe me, I've seen plans, and the high heels I'm "supposed" to be wearing look SO UNCOMFORTABLE.) and where I'd live with Jacob after our honeymoon. (The place looks nice, think rustic cottage in the woods, kinda like Mom and Dad's but not, but I'd rather live in an apartment, all black and white and airy, modern like.)

Well, what if I didn't want to get married, to Jacob or anyone else? What if I wanted to learn the violin and art and graphic design? What if I wanted to move out instead of living at home forever?

Since Mom and Dad likely won't listen to what I have to say, and neither will anyone else in the family, I've decided I'm getting outta there.

Yep, you heard me. I'm running away.

Because I would rather write my own story, and not be perfect. To not have to smile even when things get ugly and I just wanna hug my pillow and cry. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my family more than anything, I just wanna be myself and not the perfect little lady they're trying to mold me into.

I'm planning on escaping soon, I just have literally ZERO idea when.




(A/N: Ummm, did I mention that this'll be in a diary format? Ok, well I've gone and said it now, so there.

Jsyk, Renesmee's hair will be brown like it is in the movies, because, quite frankly, bronze is a weird hair colour, and, I dunno, I guess it'd help her blend in more?

Eh, whatever, I'm making her hair brown, deal with it.

See you later my dudes. :)❤️ )

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