Next Steps

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(A/N: And now, the Renesmee-contemplating-where-she goes-next show!

Up, up, up and awaaaaaay we go!)


September 25th

Okay, so now that I'm free, and people might be looking for me, where do I go from here?

I can't go to Grandpa Charlie's house, because he'd take me back home before I can say Jack Sprat. And I can't stay in Forks, or any other place in Washington.

Could I go to Vancouver, in Canada? Or somewhere in Oregon maybe? Hmm....

I've got it, California! That's far enough away.

But how am I gonna get there? I don't have my phone, so I can't search up a map. And if I ask someone directions, they'll probably recognise me from the photo on the missing posters....

Aha! The library computers, they'll have the answers.

I'll just get my hoodie on and go.....


After three hours and two cups of coffee, I've found a bus to California. It leaves soon, so I'd better get my butt over there. Will update soon.


Dammit, missed the bus! I've tried running, but that's not easy when you're dragging a roller bag along and I don't wanna bust one of the wheels.

I guess I'll just have to wait....


The next bus was too full! What rotten luck. 

I've got five hangnails because I'm so worried someone's gonna recognize me from the posters.

Hopefully, HOPEFULLY, it'll be third time lucky, otherwise there is no way I'm trailing back home with my tail between my legs, and I'll be hitch hiking.


Yes, yes, finally! So long Forks! So long family that never let me be myself! So long guy that was promised to me, but I didn't love! 

I'm off to a city in a state where nobody knows my name.

Truth be told though, it's a bit scary. I've never really been to town on my own before. It's always been me and Mom, or Dad, or Aunt Alice on a shopping trip.

I have nothing against shopping trips, just clothes shopping, bo-ring! To be honest I'd rather spend time in the book store, but noooo, it's ninety percent of the time clothes shopping, *yawn*

Oh man, the city lights look great from here, wish I could snap a picture. 

It's like almost eleven pm, so I think I'm gonna try and sleep.... Goodnight.


(A/N: And that concludes Chapter.... 4 I think it is? Hold on....

Yup, I was correct, Chapter 4 is doneski.

Don't forget to vote/comment, if you wanna ofc!

Also, the picture of the city lights is how Renesmee sees them on the bus. I legit have no idea of what the lights in Forks actually look like, bc I don't live there, so send me a pic somehow of how they actually look.

And about the coffee, keep your eyes peeled in case that was foreshadowing.... 

Bub-bye for now. :) )

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