Oh God, I've Gone Semi-Viral, What'll I Do?

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(A/N: YES, YES, FINALLY! I managed to get a picture of Renesmee/Mackenzie up!!!

I like to imagine that this is a photo of Renesmee/Renee, in the Facebook post.

Which Facebook post you ask? Well, read and find out!)


October 5th

Finished work, I'm pooped! It's not easy doing a 9 to 5 job, even for your first one. 

But there's only one bone I've got to pick with my job, I only get paid every two weeks. Which means I have to be SUPER careful with my spending choices.

I think I should set up a bank account.....

That can wait, I need to chill out now.


I've been scrolling through Facebook for almost an hour now. Nothing much is different in Forks, one of Grandpa Charlie's friends got a dog, a hampster got its head stuck in a toilet roll, but apart from that, life goes on-


That's me!

It's a post from Mom's Facebook, a photo of me from like two years ago in a blue dress. 

"Our beautiful girl, our Renesmee. Every night is a sleepless one for us." 

Hah, you don't even sleep, you're all vampires for crying out loud.

"We've left no stone unturned looking for you. Wherever you are, we love and miss you and hold you in our hearts with each passing day. So, please, if you're somehow reading this, come home baby, come home."

Okay, sweet, but a part of me feels like I wanna throw up.

I scroll through the comments.

Awww, stay strong Bella and fam 🥺.

My heart breaks for you guys, I rlly hope you find her soon.

Waaaaah, not me crying at three am. 😭

Oh my Gosh, that's so sad! I hope that she's ok where she is now.

Praying for the safe return home of ur baby girl guys. 🙏

Oh, oh oh, my heart. 💔

I log out of my Facebook account, and log in to my secret second one, called SparklesssForLife.

(Don't ask, it was a friends idea, she was like eight at the time.)

I get back onto the post, and type a comment in before I can stop myself.

Maybe you should give up looking for your daughter. What if she doesn't want to be found?

Oh God, what a terrible idea, I'm such an idiot! What if everyone thinks it's me?!

I'll see what happens to the comment tommorow, and figure it out then.

I need some Two Minute Noodles. 


(A/N: Next chapter, doubt, doubt, doubt, left, right and center!

See ya! :) )

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