Coffee Machines Are The Literal Freaking Worst

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(A/N: Soooooo, I decided to pull a Jacob and give more wittyish chapter titles, as I kinda have been already doing.....

ANYWAY, what'll happen next in the chapter of Renesmee's escape?)


September 30th

First day on the shift, and.... it wasn't great.

I just have NO IDEA how to work the FREAKING COFFEE MACHINE, UGHHHH.

When I work it, the coffee either comes out with some sort of gunky stuff or it's just coffee water and tastes AWFUL. We're losing customers by the minute.


October 1st

New month, pinch and a punch. That's what I would've done back home.

No, back then, that was then, this is now.

Still can't work the coffee machine, but I'm no longer getting gunky coffee bean crap when I try to complete an order. Turns out the filter was missing! I'm still getting coffee-water, so I think maybe I'm pressing the wrong button.....


October 2nd


I'm asking if I can switch over to just taking orders. Maybe I'll try and work at the coffee machine again after a while.


October 4th

Well, I've found a cheap hotel room.

The bed feels like a concrete slab, the paint in the bathroom is peeling, cockroaches scrabble away in the sink (I found one there this morning while brushing my teeth and shrieked my head off.), and the sofa's full of what looks like burns from cigarette holes, but it's so, so much better than lying on the cold, hard, wet, dirty ground. And there's a TV (it likes to glitch out when I change channels and the screens all cracked though), and Wi-Fi so I can use my laptop. 

I'm moving out as soon as I can afford an apartment.

Which reminds me, I should make a list of things to save for before I forget:

-A house/apartment

-A new phone (maybe)

-A car (should probably try to get my liscence first though.....)

-College fund?

Oh forget that last one. I haven't filled out any application forms yet, no college will let me in.

Guess that means I'm a dropout for good.

I don't even know why I wrote that.

Gotta go to work, can't be late!


(A/N: Now that you've read this chapter, I'm willing to bet you'll know that I didn't just randomly put that coffee machine picture in. 

Hey, what are you still doing here?! Out, out, shoo! Wait for the next chapter!)

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