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Laying awake at night
Paralyzed by my never ending, overthinking thoughts
"What if?" never leaves my heart
Drowning in a sea of despair, it's tearing me apart
The hallucination and lies veil the truth
Nothing was really going on but my overthinking tricks me since youth
A psychological tornado destroying my sanity
A battle i will always fight that nobody can see
Anxiety and self doubt creeping inside of me
Always having a million answers, replaying a moment in time
Dreading this moment again the next day at nighttime
As the minutes go by, my heart grows heavier, wondering if you fully understood my response to your pain
Afraid i have hurt or offended you, wishing i could make you understand what goes on inside my brain
Clinging to every reply and answer you have ever said
Hoping it gives an explanation, thinking about it until i'm on my own and feeling the tears I shed

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