Chapter 1

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A light purple bunny ran through the tall dried grass of the desserts of New Mexico, dodging dried shrubs and rocks as he hopped and dashed to escape it's predator. High above in the air, a dark figure flew, it's caw like cackles as it hunted the bunny. It took a dive, flying straight for the bunny, but he took a sharp left, barely brushing against the black nails of the crow.
He ran through thicker brush, trying to hide from the crow. He let out screech, trying to get to him still. The bunny ran through a empty, dried out log, stopping half way thinking he found a hiding spot, but the crow landed on one of the open sides, trying to shove it's massive body through as it tried to bite at the cotton tail. He darted out the opened side, using the time the bird was stuck to try to get as much distance between them.
He was close to his burrow, seeing it just within a couple meters a head. He used the last bit of his strength to leg it, as he heard the wings of the crow coming up fast. He tried his best, dodging the claws as the bird kept trying to get him, even slamming straight into he ground as he got tired of this game, only for purple rabbit to make a sharp turn.
He jumped, finally about to make it in the entrance when he felt he claws dig into his back, crushing his spine in the process, causing his body to go numb.
He let out small shrieks of agony as he watched his home get smaller and smaller as the bird carried him high in the air. The bird laughed wickedly as he flung the broken bunny from his talons, watching his limp body fumble around in the air before plummeting towards the ground.
The bird became small as he fell, his laughed still haunting him as the wind turned his body, now going straight into the open mouth of a brown bear, his sharp white teeth being the last things he seen as he entered the open jaws.

"Freddy! Wait, please, Don't! It's me, Bonnie!"

Bonnie slowly opened his eyes, his surrounding was dark. He blinked his eyes lazily, his head too heavy to get off the pillow. He sighed, knowing it was way past time for him to get up, but he took a glance at his alarm clock anyways. He was right, it was eleven forty-five. Usually, any of the other animatronics would have quickly gotten up and ready for the late start of the day, but he stayed still. He didn't have any shows to do and barely anybody (but the human co-works) ever came to the bowling ally, so what was the point to try?

He got up, picking up his wrinkled clothes, trying his "best" to clean himself up, not bothering to throw his hair up and not in the mood to get frustrated with his bow tie. He trudged back to his bed, falling back onto it and looking at the clock again. It was twenty minutes later. The twelve o'clock show was about to start, he covered himself with the blanket and went back to sleep.

He whinced at the bright lights. He covered his eyes as he clumsily made his way off the stage and to the diner counter, reaching over and knocked a couple items over as he looked for the light switch, turning the bright lights off.
He laid against the counter, not having the strength to do anything else. He placed his head on his folded arms, resting his eyes. He had slept to around four in the afternoon and decide it was time he had to get up and at least put a couple hours of work in before going back to his room.
He pushed against the counter, walking to the employee area and grabbing a couple items to start cleaning. He felt his shoulders grow heavy as he dragged the stuff out, piling them on one of the dirty tables in the dining room. He went back, mixing some of the bright and colorful liquids together, making it smell chemically good.
He placed the bottles on the counter, going ahead and cleaning off all the tables and chairs before stacking them on top. He continued to clean around the bowling ally, enjoying his quite time without anyone to bother him. He took down his curtains and quickly left his ally, making sure no one saw him walking around. He didn't want to be accidentally seen by one of his old band mates or even worse, Freddy and his annoying shadow. He made it to the laundry room, throwing the curtains in and immediately went back to his attraction, not wanting to waist anymore time outside. As he passed the wall before the entrance of his attraction, he looked to his left.

He had walked past a couple pictures hanging on the wall. It was of him, happily jumping up and the words. 'shine like a shooting star!' was written under it. The happy looks on his face, the fact it was the real Bonnie the Bunny and not him- A worthless, walking scrap pile- He looked at the others ones, all just as happy as the first one, it made him a bit jealous of his past self. Not just abit, actually, no; He loathed his past self.
Usually he was super happy and energetic but he had lost his spark along time ago
He sneered at it, placing his hand on the image and covering his face, not wanting to remember those times. He walked away, pushing against it and letting it fall, the glass crashing on the ground. He'll get that later.

Bonnie sat at the edge of the stage in his attraction, cleaning off his bowling ball. It was after hours and everyone was relaxing. He was letting it sit in how everything changed so quickly and how his bestfriend went missing, then he was replaced not only in the band, but in his relationship, and now he was all alone.
Chica and Roxanne offered to stay behind and talk to him but he doesn't want to bother them or to distract them. Freddy, he already went off with CornBread the Crow...

CornBread, or goes by Corn by everyone, was part of El Chips Wild West Show. It included El Chip the Beaver who played the sheriff, Coyo the Coyote and CornBread the Crow who played the bandits and Jackie the JackRabbit who played the damsel in distress\story teller. But after the two year mark, the normal horrible occurrence started to happen to them. El Chip strangely went missing, before Foxy did. And ever since he disappeared and they moved to the room across from his in the Pizza Plex, Freddy and Corn had gotten extremely close- or how Corn had told Freddy "he needed a new El Chip and Freddy was just like him"... All bullshit.
That fucking crow had ruined everything, but Freddy blamed Bonnie. When El Chip and Foxy disappeared, Freddy cared more about Corn and was slowly turning on Bonnie. And with Crows attraction across the way from him, he would tell Freddy every little thing he did, snitching on him and getting Freddy pissed off at him over little things that never happened It had gotten so bad, Bonnie decide he had enough of them and left the group.
Since the blow up between them happened, you could cut the tension between the two with a knife. And even though that was almost a year and half ago, Bonnie still was angry at Freddy. He never left his ally and would make sure to hide in his room when the band would preformed together. There was time Freddy would try to talk to him, but Bonnie didn't want to get hurt again, and would run away and hide from the bear, knowing he wouldn't chase after him. He stopped doing that along time ago.
As Bonnie sadly reminisced about his relationship with Freddy and how it ended, he didn't notice two bots had walked up to him.

"Hello Bonnie!" Bonnie dropped the bowling ball he was playing with. He looked up seeing the bear he didn't care for anymore and... Someone new?

"I would you like to meet Montgomery Gator; Monty this is Sup- uh... I mean Bowling King Bonnie!"

Bonnie scoffed, catching the slip up. He shook his head as picked up the bowling ball, getting up and walking away from the two and into his room. He slammed the door and threw his ball on to he ground, causing a loud thump and a dent on impact.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a grump." He heard Freddy's muffled laugh. "If you leave him alone, he won't bother you."

Boonie shook his head again as he sat on the love seat in his room. He laid down, turning to the headboard. He shut down, not wanting to be awake for the rest of the day, but he stopped when a soft knock came from the door. He stopped, turning his head a little as another knock came at the door.
That was it, that was the last straw. He was going to get up and punch Freddy in the face for coming to mess with him but before he grabbed the door knob and let Freddy have it.

"Come on Monty! Let's go across the way! There's someone you should meet!" He heard his voice from infront of the attraction.

Monty stood infront of the closed door, seeing the star with a "B" engraved in it. He wanted to knock again and ask if he was okay.

"I'll come back later." He went go. "With out him. I promise." He jumped down from the stage and ran out to join back to Freddy.

Bonnie slowly opened the door, checking to see if he was still there. He saw them across the way, going into the wild west show area. He let out a sigh.

"I don't want you around either. You're just another problem." He closed the door, locking it.

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