chapter 8

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The story is gonna be long- about words long - 8125 so, long chapter 😩✨ yay, sorry guys, just been distracted with my art and job rn but, I swear, I haven't abandoned this ✌️✌️

Freddy looked over the neon green clipboard. He was puzzled, as he flipped through Monty's chores. Though he had added a lot more for him to do so he would leave the isolated rabbit alone, he couldn't believe that he had finished them all. Even himself, the Freddy FazBear, had one or two chores left over on their day off. He scratched his head as he put it back, wondering what he needed to do to make sure Monty was to busy doing things
He thought, as to why was he bothering the bunny? He was basically decommissioned, they just haven't gotten around to turning him off completely. Was it because he wanted to be like him... he shouldn't, he wasn't a very nice bot. Because of his anger and paranoid outbursts, he was to be thrown away...
Well, they would have if Freddy didn't keep making up excuses as to not go ahead with the plan.

A plan that CornBread made up, apparently, since Bonnie didn't want to be an active part of the team and rather sleep all day or to cause a scene, CornBread wanted to gut the entire bowling ally and make it a second part of The Wild West Show, a bigger and expansive area, with a stage twice the size of two DJ Music Man, and with lights of all different colors, an amazing place filled with Western adventures! But what didn't make since to the bear is why they had to get rid of Bonnie. Yes, he may not like being around because... Never mind that, but he shouldn't be put away for it! They may not get along anymore, but Freddy doesn't want him to be put in a box in storage, miles under the Pizza Plex, alone in the dark. He didn't like Bonnie that much anymore, but Freddy still wanted him to get better.

"Why are you so glum looking?" Freddy jumped, looking to his right and seeing Chica next to him.

"O-OH! CHICA! You scared me." He laughed it off. He put back Monty's clipboard.

"I'm sorry, but, why are you sad? You're very quiet this morning?" She asked, placing a hand on his arm. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, no, I'm doing perfectly this morning, just a little dismayed by the extra chores." He smiled big. "And me being sad? No, never- I'm as happy as a bear could be."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"I'm a hundred percent, certain." He patted her fluffy hair.
She didn't respond for a second, checking over him to see a fault, but he stood there, a huge smile on his face, so, she just shrugged it off.

"Alright, darling. If you say so." She said quietly but turned into a soft smile.
"Any plans for today? Or are you and CornBread busy with other things, I would love to hang out with my best friend again."

"I'm sorry, I am very swamped today, Chica. First I have to help with SunDrop, then have to make sure we have our order of restock, then me and CornBread are going to go through all the boxes in the basement for some holiday decorations- but I would love to see after all of that." Freddy said hopefully.

"If it doesn't take all day." She giggled.
"If you want, me and Roxanne are going to see a movie later. Please join us." She pleased, wanting to see her old friend.
Freddy though about it... The decorations aren't needed until next month, and he could always put it off for next week... He was about to reply when he felt arms wrap around him, he turned to his head to see CornBread.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Chica- but we're so busy today. Maybe when we're both done, we'll catch up." He slightly laughed, resting his head in Freddy's shoulder.

"No... It's fine, I just wanted- nevermind. I'll see you around, Freddy." She said, looking over her chores before quickly leaving to do them.

"Bye bye~ Chica-dee~." CornBread sang.
CornBread smiled big, happy to chase the smaller bird off, but Freddy felt his shoulders slump, wanting to talk to her for a little longer. Oh well.

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