chapter 3

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A/N - follow me on my Twitter @TrevorIsDead4G for more art

(CornBread and Freddy hanging out)

Monty happily walked up the stairs, going to the second floor.

He was excited that Bonnie came by last night and he wanted to hang out again today. They talked a lot, well, mostly Monty talked as Bonnie listened. He talked about his life in the bayou, the restaurant that he was bought from, how he got into playing bass- how he loved it and how he wanted to play in all his life (or what was programed in his past).
Bonnie talked about Foxy and a little about himself, but not enough to clear up his history or to put it together. All he really knew was Foxy as his bestfriend and how long it lasted until he suddenly went ghost, and that Bonnie had been playing for a very long time and Freddy was his partner through all of it, but he got quiet about how it ended.
He didn't mind, as long as Bonnie talked a little, that was enough to make head way.

He looked around as he entered the bowling ally, his eyes landing on CornBread. He leaned against the railing of his attraction, but instead of his smile, he was dead focused on Monty. Eyes squinted as his relaxed form turned to one of suspicion as he grabbed the guard rails. He turned form his chilled form to almost like, he was sizing Monty up.
He felt a little uncomfortable at him staring but he didn't let it bother him as he walked in.

"Hey cher!" He called out, hoping to see him come running towards. "BONNIE WHERE ARE YA!"

"He's in his room."
He looked over to the counter, seeing two girls, one sitting behind the counter as the other leaned against it on the outside. One of them was his own human co-worker, Iva.

"Hey, I'm Monty, do you know where Bonnie is?" He asked happily.

"I'm Velma, his human worker. He's been in his room all day." She sighed sadly.

"Wait, why? Shouldn't he be working right now? Everyone else is?"

"Well.... he's just... nevermind. Someone must have done something, he's been in there all day."

"What do you mean?" He asked, worried for him.

"He said something about staying up all night with someone." The one he didn't know said. "He seemed happy when he went in there but hasn't left since."

"He was happy?" A big smile grew on his face. "I made him happy?"

"Wait, you're the new bot right? Monty, is it?"

"Yes I am! Is Bonnie going to wake up?" He asked happily, walking to the curtains and poking his head in. "Hey~, Cotton tail~, come on out!"

"He probably won't be back out for a while." The girl sighed sadly.

"Why not? What's wrong?" Monty became concerned.

"Nothing, he's just got a low social battery, you probably drained him dry last night with your conversation." She lightly laughed.

Monty felt bad now, not knowing the bunny wasn't a people person.
"Do you know when he'll come back out?"

Before she could speak, they heard the door click and creak open. Monty quickly turned, expecting to see Bonnie bounding out to him but instead, they watched as a couple blankets and pillows were thrown out before slamming the door shut again. Monty felt his shoulders fall, hoping he was coming out to see him.

"I was gonna say, he's probably won't come back out for another couple weeks." She shook her head, moving from behind the counter and towards the stage.

"A couple weeks? But, that's crazy? You can't be cooped up like that!" He said, worried about what Bonnie was going to do for hours alone.

"Trust me, he's gone way longer than a couple weeks. He once stayed almost half a year in there, didn't even come out for very important updates to his systems or events." She looked sadly to his door as she gathered the bedding.

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