Chapter 9

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Bonnie laid on his side, using his nail to make little star shapes into the bedding as he waited for the familiar knock of a certain robot to tell him to wake up. It's not like he had to wake up, and especially not for Monty, it's just, he's tired of him annoying him awake, that's what it was, he just wanted to be ready to tell him to get lost, and, he was already awake, so, might as well try to shoo him away today.
But, when he heard the knock, he threw the covers off the bed, quickly running to the door as his tail wagged fast. He opened the door, expecting a big toothy grin of his gator "friend", but when he saw only the darker room of the stage, he was confused.

He looked around, around his door, around the stage, even opening it up a little to poke his head out and see if he was waiting to pounce on him, but, when he didn't see his green idiot lerking in the empty Bowling Ally, he scratched his head in confusion.
He just heard him knock.... You don't think it could have been Kelsey... No, of course not... Bonnie started to play with his hands, feeling the anxiety creeping up as he thought... No, she as found, she back home, safe at home. He went back to his stage, decided Ng to hide in his room today, but he stoped as he noticed a pastel green paper on the back of his door, covering his star.

I'll pick you up after work, I have a secret surprise for you <3 - Monty :)

Damnit Monty, Bonnie thought, he nearly gave me a heart attack.
Bonnie took the paper down, going back into his room. He looked over the paper, debating whether to throw it in the trash or to ignore the request. He sighed, walking to his vanity and taping it to his mirror, to remember it later. He sat back in the bed, not knowing what to do. He rubbed his arm, the silence of his room was deafening. He took his bowling clothes off, laying back down and placing his pillow on his head. If Monty wasn't coming by until later, then he was going to sleep until then. He closed his tired eyes, feeling himself sink into the bed.

Bonnie scrubbed the underside of his bar, getting off the small amount of grime that built up under it from the dripping ice cream. He had tried to sleep, but within an hour, he was back out, waiting to see if Monty was going to show up before the time or not.
He dunked his steel wool back in the dirty water, making sure to get the last bit at the end, until he heard someone knock on the top. He quickly scrambled out, almost kicking the bucket over but caught it. He was expecting to see Monty, but sadly was disappointed to only see his niece, Jackie.

"My, that was so sudden of ya." She giggled as she leaned on the counter, resting both her hands under her chin.
"I'd never seen ya so happy to see lil' ol' me... Or, were ya happy to see your knight in green armor?" She teased.

"M-me? No, no. I was just startled, y-you should introduce yourself next time, Jackie." He tried to be stern, but she saw through him.

"Right. But, if I was Monty~" she giggled as she teased him.

"I wouldn't care, I would have told him the same." Bonnie huffed.

"Oh, come on, DaB! You're such a kidder." She giggled.

"But I wouldn't." He growled a little.

She gave him a smug look, which caused him to look away, feeling like we could see right through his bluff. She could, but she just giggled at her uncle being so difficult with himself.

"So, how is Monty? I can never be around him, I'm always rushin' around and settin' thangs up." She sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed with her work today.

"Do you want me to help?" Bonnie asked, noticing her tiredness.

"No, I don't want Corn to know ya were touching his things, he'll have an entire show about it."
She rolled her eyes, remembering how he almost blown up because Bonnie cleaned the railing outside their attraction for her.
"I swear, he's just so- Urgh, it's very unlady like, but," she leaned in, hushing her tone. "He's a total asshat."
She huffed at the end, angry he got her to be so unlady-like.

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