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I decided to follow Ren around for the next few days because I wanted to see how this alliance with Lizzie played out. Ren brought deepslate, tuff, and stone from his tower to Lizzie's place, where he started building a military tower to watch over and protect the Fairy Fort.

I've already said that watching people build is boring, so I gave up on watching Ren. I headed out to see what the Southlanders were up to.

When I came to the Towers, Grian was the only one there, and he was building a wall between the Towers. Why was everyone building? Why couldn't someone be caving or in the Nether or doing anything interesting?

I decided to take a peek around the world to possibly spot any murderous plots.

Tango, Skiz, Bdubs, and Etho had apparently allied with one another to form Team B.E.S.T. It was pure coincidence that their initials spelled the rank that they hoped to achieve. Their plan was to steal the Enchanter from... Lizzie? Since when had she had it? But they wanted to bring it back to Spawn so that anyone could use it for free.

I went to Lizzie to see if the rumor was true, and it was. Lizzie, Ren, Cleo, and Bigb had the Enchanter inside the Fairy Fort.

I hadn't known that the Fairy Fort and the nearby Avengers' Tower were allied, but it made sense because they were so close together. When I visited them, they were negotiating a tunnel between the bases.

That only reminded me of when Grian had made fun of Bdubs' tunnel back in Third Life. It didn't exactly make me sad to think about because Third Life had been one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, but it did make me think about a time before Bdubs had gotten himself onto Grian's naughty list.

Also, what was it with Third Lifers and secret tunnels between bases? First there was the Crastle and Renchanting, then Renchanting and Skizzle Point, and now the Fairy Fort and the Avengers' Tower. And I'm sure there were more that I didn't know about.

Yes, I know I was caught up in the trend. I helped start it.

I watched Ren go back up to the foundations of the Fairy Fort Tower and start working again.

I was just about to leave when suddenly, thunder cracked, signaling that another Boogeyman was about to be chosen.




Ren did not have the Glow.

I hurried to the Fairy Fort to make sure that none of his allies did. Cleo and Bigb were safe from the curse, at least for now.

But Lizzie...

She had an excellent poker face. Cleo and Bigb didn't see that she was the Boogeyman (Boogeywoman?). But I did.

I wondered who would go down this time. Would Lizzie turn on her allies? I didn't think so, but she was quite unpredictable. I wondered whether I should follow her until she got a kill, but I decided against it. I would see who died later.

I went back to the Fairy Fort Tower, where Scar had turned up and was negotiating to Ren over something in a barrel. I couldn't open the barrel, but I stuck my head inside and saw some junk and a whole bunch of shards of glass.

Ren opened the barrel, flooding the inside with light. "Okay, let's see what we got here... sugarcane... cactus... ooh, diamonds, that's cool... and some glass. Why would I want glass?"

"It's not glass," Scar said. "They're magical crystals. They can give you luck, courage, and so much more. I'd like to offer you a deal: a crystal and three items of your choice for a life."

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