Wizard on the Mountain - Blue

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I felt just one pair of hands hold me down at first. I screamed and struggled.

"Ack, you're awake!" My captor cursed.

I heard footsteps as another person walked in. "The other one's dead."

"Good- ack!" The person holding me said as I hit them in the face. From the voices, I was pretty sure both of them were guys, but it was hard to tell because they were muffled by something, maybe a mask.

My first thought was Etho. He wore a mask. But I discarded that thought when I realized that both of them had them on. It could have been anyone.

"A little help here?" The person holding me said as I kicked him and screamed again.

"Just kill her," a third person said. "We don't want Scott or Pearl to wake up and come in."

What about Cleo? Did they not know she was here?

"I... can't," the first guy panted. "Yellow, remember? Stop moving!"

I heard a shiiinnk as a sword was pulled out of its sheath across the room. Then footsteps approaching me, and then everything went black.


I woke up in my bed and then immediately got out, disgusted. The sheets and blankets were covered in my own blood.

It was still dark outside, but there was no sign of the people who had attacked me. They had left. I grabbed my watch off of my nightstand to see if I had died. It sure felt like it.

Bluemoon Tay was slain by Tango Tek

They had said something about killing someone else, too... I scrolled up and nearly screamed again.

Cleo Zombie was slain by Tango Tek

I ran into Scott's room.

"Scott, WAKE UP!" I yelled. He sat up suddenly. "What? What's going on? Are we under attack?"

"Cleo's dead!"

"What? What happened?"

"I'll explain later, but now we have to get out of here. We've been attacked two nights in a row. We're not safe here anymore."

Scott got up. "Get the Nether star," he said. "I'll grab Pearl."

I nodded. I had almost forgotten about the gem in the chaos. I went back into my room and opened the drawer that I kept it in. Thank goodness, it was still there. I stuck it into my pocket and ran back downstairs.

I glanced out a window as I met Scott and Pearl in the living room. We had barely used the towers outside. But it was too late now.

"How did you turn yellow?" Pearl said when she saw me.

"Later," I said. "We need to leave now. "They could come back any minute."

Pearl bit her lip. "But where will we go?"

Scott looked up at the snow castle that shone like a beacon in the moonlight. "I heard Etho has a secret base somewhere."

"Good idea, let's go," I said, even though my brain screamed at me not to associate with Etho. I was terrified. I saw people behind every tree and claws in every bush. All I wanted was to get away.

"But why are we leaving?" Pearl said. "And where's Cleo?"

Scott grabbed my arm and I jumped, thinking for half a second that it was another attacker. "Blue, you need to tell us what's going on."

I took a deep breath. "So..." I said, not knowing how to start. "Uh... well, I had this dream where someone called the Listener warned me about shadows and then people attacked me and killed me and then I looked at my watch and they killed Cleo, too. It was Tango and two other people. One of them said they couldn't kill me because they were yellow."

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