Your love is deadly

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Summary: Lestrade gives Sherlock a job about a new killer that has been gaining popularity and leaving their next victim's name at the crime scene. The job requires Sherlock to attend a luxurious noble party. As he arrives, he spots a familiar blonde.


Or Sherlock spots William at a party. Flirting ensures

Hello everyone!
I haven't posted in a while.... But anyways, this is the story I posted on Ao3 and I'm quite proud of it so I'm posting it here now too :D

I hope you enjoy dhfbjdn

There was a loud knock on Sherlock's door

"Sherlock, open up! Mister Lestrade is here for you!" His landlord, Miss Hudson, stated.

There was a loud groaning sound from the other side of the door and a few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a sleep-deprived Sherlock Holmes.
"What is it? Make it quick, I don't have all day" Sherlock snapped.
"It's good to see you too" Lestrade joked, earning an unamused look from Sherlock. Lestrade awkwardly smiled
"I have a case for you," he said. Sherlock sighed and let him in. There were news articles scattered across the floor and pictures with red strings attached to them, Lestrade was about to ask the detective what all the papers were for but Sherlock interrupted his train of thought.
"So tell me, what's the case about"

"Ah, have you heard about the echo killings?" Lestrade asked.
"Yeah, I have, what about 'em?" Sherlock asked while digging into his pocket to get a cigarette, then frowning because he had none
"This 'echo killer' has caused quite a stir amongst the townsfolk, I'd be surprised if you haven't heard about them"
The detective ignored Lestrade's last statement
"Does Scotland Yard have any leads on who the killer might be?"

"Unfortunately not, however, this killer has been leaving their next victim's name at the crime scene" Lestrade stated
"-And you want me to keep an eye on this 'next victim' while catching the killer in the act?" Sherlock interrupted
"Precisely" Lestrade spoke, handing the other a file
"That file has everything you need to know about the echo killer"

Sherlock took the file and skimmed over the details.

"The Echo Killer: has been known to kill nobles, much like The Lord Of Crimes, giving him the name 'Echo Killer'; always leaves his next victim's name at the crime scene in some form; none of the past victims has any relation nor have done anything worth noting, therefore we assume the killer has no motive. His next victim is Henry Martin, son of Earl Gregory Martin"

Sherlock looked into the previous murders to see if there were any patterns in the crime scenes.
"Whoever this killer is, he's very sloppy. There are multiple stab wounds near the chest, none of which look particularly deep. In fact, the killer has managed to stab everywhere and yet he still missed most of the vital organs. Either the killer is inexperienced in his knowledge of anatomy or this is intentional. I doubt it's the latter as in some of the previous murders, vital organs have been pierced. There are other factors pointing to this but this is the main one" Sherlock noted as if obvious.

Before Lestrade could gather this new information, Sherlock slammed the file shut.

"So how exactly do I stop this killer?" the detective asked.
"Ah yes, Sir Gregory is holding a party, and I need you to keep an eye on count Henry"
Sherlock sighed and obliged.
"Holmes... Are you alright? You seem more out of sorts than usual" Lestrade commented, looking concerned. Sherlock only scoffed
"What on earth are you talking about? I'm fine... I've just been thinking about something, or I suppose someone" Sherlock replied, running his hand through his hair.

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