How Long Must You Make Me Wait?

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Summary: When Sherlock and Billy go out on a mission, but don't return. William begins to panic

William gave Sherlock a longing look, making him laugh.

“C’mon, don’t look at me like that, I’ll only be gone for a week,” Sherlock said, kissing William’s cheek. “We’ll be back before you know it”

“I’m well aware,” William replied with a sigh, grabbing the lapels of Sherlock’s jacket and smoothing them under his thumb to get rid of creases that may have formed. “Yet, it still aches me to see you leave”

Billy rolled his eyes fondly at the two “Don’t worry Mr. William, I’ll bring him back in one piece, I promise”

Sherlock and Billy were about to leave for a mission that sent them to New Orleans, of course, Sherlock had gone on many missions that required him to leave New York. In fact, most of the time, William went with him, however, when Billy had gotten the instructions for the job, it specifically said that only Sherlock and Billy went.

“Remember, three meals a day, and I mean proper meals. Not just eggs, you understand?” Sherlock spoke, giving his ‘Take proper care of yourself while I’m away’ speech.

“And don’t stay up too late, try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night-”

“Sherly,” William moved his hand to cup Sherlock’s face. “I will be fine, I assure you”

“I know, I know, but I still worry,” he said with a pout.

William leaned in to kiss Sherlock’s pout away and Billy made a fake gagging noise which they both ignored.

“We’d best get on our way, or else Billy won’t stop moaning” Sherlock stated as he pulled away from the kiss, glaring at Billy, who was only grinning mischievously at him.

“I will see you in a week then?” William asked.

“As I said, we’ll be back before you know it” Sherlock kissed William once more. “Bye Liam”

“Take care, my dear detective”


The first few days of waiting for Sherlock were slow; William occupied himself with reading or strolling through the city. Sometimes, the neighbour's children would ask him to tutor them and help them with their maths homework.

When night rolled around, William found it the most difficult to live without Sherlock. It was quite strange, for twenty-four years, William was able to fall asleep alone and yet, after sharing a bed with Sherlock, he found it incredibly difficult to fall asleep without him.

William knew Sherlock would berate him for not sleeping properly once he got back but William couldn’t bring himself to care. (“It’s his fault I can’t sleep by myself anyway”)

The mission was estimated to take a week. Of course, that meant it wouldn’t exactly be seven days, but when William opened his eyes on day eight and found the left side of the bed made, he frowned.

“Sherlock never makes his side of the bed”

Which meant Sherlock wasn’t back.

William sighed. It wasn’t the end of the world, Billy and Sherlock must still be busy, if that were the case, Sherlock would probably send him a letter to notify him.

Even though William knew logically that they were fine, fear and worry still gnawed at the back of his mind.


It had been two weeks since Billy and Sherlock left.

William became anxious but he kept telling himself that the job was just taking longer than expected.
He cursed himself for feeling so pathetic, since when did he become so apprehensive?

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