Braiding hair

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summary: after a long day of work, William suggests to braid Sherlock's hair

William was peacefully reading a book by the fireplace, it was quite late into the night and Sherlock still hadn’t arrived home yet, not to mention that it was pouring outside.

He sighed to himself, he wish he had given Sherlock an umbrella before he left

After another few minutes of silence, Sherlock came crashing through the door, shivering and shaking his head to get some of the rainwater out of his hair.

William smiled and walked over to him

“Good evening, love. How was your day?” the blonde asked to which Sherlock leaned his head on his shoulder, making William’s shirt damp.

Sherlock only mumbled a reply.

“There’s a fresh pot of tea on the counter, I’ll go run you a bath” William commented before heading to the bathroom and twisting both the hot and cold taps of the bath. Once the water was at the perfect temperature, William went back into the kitchen to find Sherlock sipping a mug of tea.

“I bought chamomile tea because I thought it would help you relax,” he said and walked over to his lover.

Sherlock kissed William’s cheek

“Thank you Liam, what would I do without you” Sherlock kissed him once more before setting his cup down and walking into the bathroom.

William smiled in contempt and sat down on the couch while picking up his book and reading from where he last left off.


Once Sherlock finished and dried himself off, he sat on the floor in front of William, letting the fire warm him.

William put down his book and carded his fingers through his lover’s hair

“Your hair has grown quite a bit” he noted and it indeed had. Sherlock’s hair was able to touch his back.

“Does it bother you?” Sherlock asked, leaning back so that his head was on William’s lap.

“Not at all,” the blonde replied and gave him an upside-down kiss, which Sherlock melted into.

“I think it suits you” William continued, breaking the kiss. Sherlock hummed and gazed back at the fire.

“Do you mind if I braid it for you?” the blonde asked.

“Not at all, go ahead,” Sherlock said and leaned forward.

William went to find a brush and once he acquired one, he sat down and started to brush Sherlock’s hair. He tried to brush down that one piece of hair that always stood up but when he brushed it, it only sprung up again. William tried to stifle a laugh but ultimately failed, which only made Sherlock frown

“It’s not that funny…” Sherlock pouted. William leaned over and kissed the top of Sherlock’s head.

“It is a bit” he replied, making the raven-haired man roll his eyes.

William began to split his hair into three sectors and then started to overlap them in a pattern.

“This reminds me of when Louis and I were back in the orphanage and the girls would always ask me to style their hair”  William spoke, recalling those fond memories.

“Well, I can’t blame them, you’re really good at it” Sherlock complemented, only making William laugh.

“You flatter me”

Once William had finished he pulled a hair tie from his pocket (he always kept a spare one on him in case Sherlock ever needed one) and tied it at the bottom of Sherlock’s hair.

“There you go,” the blonde said and put Sherlock’s hair over his shoulder so that he could see it better.

“It’s lovely, thank you” Sherlock smiled and turned around so that he was facing his lover. William cupped Sherlock’s cheeks and leaned over to give him a quick peck on the lips

“You are most welcome”

Sherlock looked at the grandfather clock that stood in their lounge.

“It’s late, we should head to bed”

“That sounds like a good idea”

The two went to bed and kissed once more before drifting to sleep. For the first time in a while, Sherlock had slept well


I just felt like writing some fluff :)

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