Meeting Miss Hudson

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Summary: In which Sherlock introduces William to Miss Hudson

A fancy carriage stops in front of 221B, and inside is none other than William James Moriarty.

Moran climbed down from the drivers seat and opened the door for William

"Thank you for taking me here Moran," William said as he took Morans extended hand to help him out of the carriage.

"If Louis finds out youre gone, hes going to blame me" Moran mumbled to himself.

"You needn't worry, Louis wont notice a thing" William reassured Moran (and maybe himself too). Sebastian gave him a sceptical look.

"Alright, I'll tell you where Louis hides all the whisky once Ive come back" the blonde replied, making the latters eyes light up.

"Right then, thank you once again" William spoke, tipping his hat and walking towards the door. Moran only nodded back and got on the carriage again before riding off.

The blonde knocked on the door eventually and it opened to a red-haired lady in a pink tea dress. William assumed that this must be Miss Hudson.

"Good afternoon, I am here to see Mr. Holmes, I'm a friend of his," William spoke and Miss Hudson looked him up and down. She then gave him a wary look, but soon smiled politely at him.

"Please, come in"

The two walked up the stairs and the lady knocked on Sherlocks door. William had been here a few times, but he and Sherlock usually snuck in.

"Sherlock!" she rapidly knocked on the door.

"There's someone here for you"

Behind the door, there was a loud grunt

"Tell them I'm busy" Sherlock yelled from the other side, to which Miss Hudson knocked harder.

"You wouldn't want to keep a fine gentleman like Mister..." she paused and looked at William, realising she hadn't asked him his name yet.

"Moriarty" he replied and she nodded

"-Like Mr. Moriarty waiting, now would you!"

Rummaging and heavy footsteps could be heard before Sherlock opened the door


"Good afternoon Sherlock" William smiled. The detectives eyes widened but soon he grinned

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon, did you miss me?" Sherlock teased and William only laughed in return.

"I suppose I did"

During the encounter, Miss Hudson only stared at them wide-eyed and her face lit up

"You're the 'Liam' Sherlock is always talking about!" She beamed.

"Sherlock talks about me?" William asked, looking at the man in question

"Oh yes! All the time!" she replied, making Sherlock turn a deep shade of red

"It's lovely to finally meet you, I'm Martha Hudson"

"How rude of me, I never properly introduced myself, I am William James Moriarty. The pleasure is all mine" He greeted, shaking Miss Hudsons hand.

Miss Hudson gasped in awe and looked at Sherlock

"He's such a gentleman! You should learn a thing or two from Mr. Moriarty, here" she retorted.

Sherlock manoeuvred his hands to shoo her away.

"Yeah, yeah, well Liam and I are going inside-" Sherlock tried to say before Miss Hudson cut him off.

"Nonsense! Mr. Moriarty, I insist you come have tea with me, you too Sherlock"

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