A Very Happy Halloween

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Summary: Sherlock wakes up after attending a Halloween party and finds William sleeping next to him.

He's left to figure out what happened last night.

Modern-day AU

Sunlight poured through the window and directly into Sherlock's eyes, forcing him to wake up. Once he sat up, he immediately closed his eyes. He hadn't fully adjusted to how bright the room was yet.

'What time is it...'

He grabbed his phone and checked the time.

'10:30 a.m, John's gonna kill me for sleeping in late'

Sherlock groaned at the thought of his roommate scolding him first thing in the morning.

But the longer he was awake, the more he realised that he was not in his own room. Just then, the bed shifted in weight making Sherlock turn to his left, and there slept none other than William James Moriarty.

Sherlock was severely confused and he looked under the covers.

They were both naked.

And they both were sleeping in the same bed.

It wasn't too hard to connect the dots, however, Sherlock was blushing profusely.

'What happened last night'


James invited Sherlock to a Halloween party, obviously, he turned down the invitation but James eventually got him to agree

"Come on! It'll be fun, plus you need to get out more" James argued, to which Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"No, I have better things to do than getting wasted with a bunch of people I hardly know," he replied.
"Like what? Getting wasted on your own?" James retorted, making Sherlock glare at him.

"No comment."

"Please come, it'll be fun" James whined which only made Sherlock brush him off.
However, he was not about to give up and decided to use the last resort.

"William's going to be there"

And so, here he was, in front of James' flat. He sighed, rethinking all of his life decisions before knocking on the door.

A few moments later, the door opened to someone wearing a scream mask.

"You're here, finally," They said before taking the mask off. It was James. He looked Sherlock up and down. "You're not wearing a costume" he frowned.

Sherlock scoffed and followed James into his flat. The flat wasn't all that big, which just meant it would be really cramped. Great.

"Of course, I'm not" Sherlock replied.

"But it's a Halloween party. It's like an unspoken rule that you have to dress up" James spoke, earning a groan from Sherlock. "Well, whatever, you're here and that's all that matters"

The noise of the music was way too loud and Sherlock felt overwhelmed by all the people. He was starting to regret coming. Just then, James patted his shoulder.

"Alright, I'm going to check if we have enough drinks. Try and talk to someone while I'm gone, Okay?"

"Wait, you can't leave me h-" Before Sherlock could finish, James flitted off into the crowd.

"Bastard," Sherlock huffed under his breath.

He scanned the room for anyone he might recognise but to no avail. In fact, Sherlock didn't know half the people here and swore he had never seen James interact with any of them.
The constant sound of chatter was starting to drive him insane. God, he needed a smoke.

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