Awake At The Witching Hour With You

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Summary: After Liam woke up, him and Sherlock would play chess late at night

⚠ spoilers for chapter 55+/ Season 2 ⚠


"Again? Thats the third time this evening!"

Liam smiled lightly as Sherlock ruffled his own hair in frustration, the two of them were currently playing chess at their dining table. Sherlock stood up with a sigh.

"Im going to make myself some coffee before our next game, want some?" he asked, to which Liam nodded.
"Coffee would be wonderful, thank you"

Sherlock made an affirmative sound and headed towards the kitchen in their shared apartment.

It had been a few weeks since Liam had woken up, of course, he hadnt fully recovered so there was not much to do. Sherlock suggested they play chess together to keep Liam from growing board and so they would play nearly every evening once Sherlock got home.
As much as Liam enjoyed spending time with Sherlock, he couldnt help but feel guilty. The raven-haired man gave up everything just to be with Liam, his friends, his brother, his job and his whole life.
Although Sherlock never showed it, Liam knew that he missed everything he had left back in London, even so, he would always look after the blond, no matter how much Sherlock missed London.

Liam felt as if he was burdening the man, no matter how many times Sherlock would argue otherwise, he could never believe him.

Liam was so lost in thought that he didnt even notice that Sherlock had placed a mug in front of him.

"Here you go" Sherlocks voice broke Liams concentration.

"Thank you" he curtly replied.

"Are you alright, is there something on your mind?"

Liam shook his head.

"No no, I'm just fine"

Sherlock looked at him sceptically but decided to not press him and sat back in his seat.

Liam brought his coffee cup to his lips and hummed in delight as he swallowed the bitter liquid.

"If Im not mistaken, this is the new blend we got the other day" he commented, making the raven-haired man grin.

"Thats correct! What do you think of it? Does it satisfy your tastebuds?"

"It indeed does. In fact, you are quite talented at making coffee" the blonde complimented, making Sherlocks eyebrow quirk.

"Does my ability to make coffee surprise you?"

"Perhaps a bit"

Sherlock scoffed, crossing his arms as he leaned back onto his chair.

"Changing the subject, shall we continue playing," he asked, referring to the chessboard.

"Im not giving in until I win"

Liam smiled

"Well, I dont plan on losing any time soon"

It only took a few rounds until Sherlock had finally won. However, by the time he had won, it had become quite late.

Sherlock stretched out his arms, his bones popping as he did.

"I reckon that we should head to bed"

"Yes," Liam replied.

"I do hope youll be alright. You have work tomorrow and at this rate, you wont get enough sleep" he pointed out, concern filling his voice.

"Dont worry about me, alright. Ill be fine" Sherlock reassured, waving his hand around to dismiss the blondes statement.

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