Cigarettes Out The Window

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Summary: Sherlock has been sneaking out in the night to smoke; clearly something is on his mind and William want to know what it is


After this oneshot, I might take a break for a while (maybe?)

My reason being: I have this major fanfic I'm working on, it's gonna be a case fic and what not so I'm prioritizing that over my other fics.

However I might decide to work on some oneshots. Tbh I'm just writing whatever I want so-

Anyways, enjoy!


"He's gone again."

It was late into the night and William lay in his bed. The bed he shared with Sherlock, who was currently not here.

William sighed, knowing exactly what Sherlock was doing at this late hour. He was smoking.

After William had woken up from his coma, Sherlock had promised him that he wouldn't smoke anymore. Clearly, all of that was a lie.

Sherlock tried to hide it; when he returned, he always brushed his teeth. It was all in vain though because William could still taste the smoke on Sherlock's lips when they kissed.

Naturally, any partner would be angry at their lover for breaking their promise, but William was more concerned than anything.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of jingling keys, followed by the door unlocking. It seems that Sherlock has returned. William heard Sherlock's footsteps walk into the bathroom; most likely to brush his teeth once again.

Once he had finished, Sherlock walked into the bedroom, causing William to snap his eyes shut. Hopefully, Sherlock will think he's still asleep.

Sherlock toed off his shoes and took his hair tie out of his hair, then proceeded to sit on the bed.

He looked at William and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead before lying down, his back facing William.

William opened his eyes once again and looked at the back of Sherlock's head, his messy hair flowing onto his pillow.

"What is troubling you, my love?"


The next day, William sat on the couch, reading a book. Sherlock insisted that William should take a day off, so he decided to stay home. It was nice to take a break but once William had run out of things to do, he would become increasingly bored.

By now, he had probably read more than half of the books on the bookshelf.

He'll just have to wait for Sherlock to come home.

Speaking of, it was getting quite late and yet the man in question still hadn't arrived yet.

After a few minutes, the door finally opened, but instead of Sherlock, it was Billy who walked into the apartment, basket in hand.

"Hello," Billy greeted while closing the door behind him "I come bearing fruit!" he said, waving the basket before setting it on the kitchen counter.

William got off of the couch to greet Billy properly.

"Welcome back" he replied, taking the basket and putting the fruit in their fruit bowl.

"Where's Sherlock? I thought he was here?" Billy asked, looking around the room to try and find him.

"He hasn't arrived yet" William pointed out.

"How odd..."

"What is?"

"I saw him enter the building when I passed by about an hour ago"

Billy's statement left William feeling confused.

"I'm sure he'll turn up soon enough"


Ten minutes later and Sherlock still wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Enough was enough.

"I'm going to go look for him," William said out loud. Billy was in another room so he was unaware if he had heard him or not

William walked out the front door and into the corridor.

If Sherlock had really entered the building as Billy said, he could be at one of two places: The pizzeria downstairs, or the rooftops upstairs.

William highly doubted Sherlock would go to the pizzeria so he headed for the steps that led him to the roof.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, he pushed open the rooftop door.

As expected, Sherlock was sitting on one of the benches, taking in the sight of the city view. Upon further inspection, William realised he was smoking a cigarette.

He sighed and walked over to Sherlock before taking a seat next to him.

"I thought you quit smoking" William questioned, even though he knew the answer to that question.

Sherlock didn't flinch, he probably heard William when he arrived.

"Sorry," Sherlock spoke, taking the cigarette from his mouth and puffing out the smoke "I just really needed a cigarette"

"Looks like you've been needing to smoke on multiple occasions this week" William retorted and Sherlock only rasped out a laugh.

"So you noticed?"

"Of course I noticed, Sherly. You cannot hide things from me" William commented before placing his hand on top of Sherlock's shoulder. "Is everything all right?"

Sherlock avoided eye contact; he dropped the cigarette on the floor and crushed it under his heel.

"I don't suppose you'll believe me if I say yes?" he asked rhetorically.

There was a brief silence before Sherlock gave up and started talking.

"It's embarrassing to say out loud but... I suppose I feel homesick," Sherlock looked up at the sky, it was becoming dark and you could even see a few stars. "How absurd is that? It's almost been a year and I'm still not fully adjusted to my life here"

"I don't think it's absurd," William spoke softly. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way sooner?"

"As I said before, it's embarrassing" Sherlock replied, covering his face with a hand to hide his shame.

"Sherlock," William took Sherlock's hand away from his face. "You don't need to hide from me. You can talk to me whenever"

"Yes, but-"

"No buts," William said, pinching his cheek lightly.

Sherlock looked at his Liam lovingly and scooted over to hug him, leaning his head on William's shoulder.

"God... I miss John and how he would nag me for silly things. I miss Miss Hudson and her tea. I miss my brother and I wish I had fixed my relationship with him. I even miss Lestrade" as he spoke, William could feel his shoulder getting damp.

"Shit," Sherlock cursed, "I'm going to ruin your shirt"

"I don't mind" William responded, petting his lover's hair.

"You have been so strong for so long. Let me be the strong one this time"

William spent the rest of his day comforting Sherlock and showering him with kisses.

I'm so so so sorry I haven't posted in like 2 months!!! I know I said long updates but I usally wanted to post at least one a month T_T

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